Monday, January 27, 2025

Tend My Sheep

 By: Joanne Viola

So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus *said to Simon Peter,
“Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?”
He *said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.”
He *said to him, “Tend My lambs.”

(John 21:15, NASB)

We have a small family as we had one daughter and one son. Each of them married and our family grew a bit.

As they had children, our family enlarged little by little. Each addition was a delight all their own.

They were unique, bringing their own personalities, quirks, and laughter with them. Some were quiet, some more talkative. Some were cooperative while others more stubborn in their ways.

Each one was loved and embraced for themselves. Not one was exactly as the other.

Even when they drove me crazy and completely tired me out, trying every last bit of my patience, they were still loved.

Little by little they each found a place not only into our family but into my heart and more importantly, into my prayers.

We shared our joys, tears, problems, challenges, and successes.

I loved them because they were mine, and a part of our family. For no other reason and I wouldn’t have traded them for anything.

After the resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples and invited them to breakfast. The encounter is a familiar one, for it is at this breakfast that Jesus speaks directly to Peter.

Peter, the disciple who had denied Him. Often our attention is brought to the fact that it is here where Jesus restores Peter to ministry.

Jesus asks Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?”

Jesus asks the question three times. Each time Peter states he loves the Lord. And each time, Jesus responds to Peter, “Tend My sheep.”

We each have been entrusted over others in some way. We have a responsibility to care for those He has committed to us.

The people in our lives are not there by happenstance.
They are uniquely and purposely placed there by the love and will of God.
May we tend to His sheep.


Have you ever considered those placed in your life as the sheep of Jesus? Are you surprised by those He has called you to love and care for?


Photo by Jonny Gios on Unsplash


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