Thursday, January 2, 2025

January's Challenge

 By: Grace Metzger

Seek the Lord and His strength;
seek His presence continually!
1 Chronicles‬ ‭16‬:‭11‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Today is the second day of the new year and I don’t want this year to be the same as 2024. Last year went by in a blur for me; I felt either too busy or tired to do anything. I don’t want 2025 to be like that. I’ve decided to dedicate this year to actively seeking God each and every day. 

This might sound super simple and easy for some but I know there are others who have days when work, kids, ministry, and just life in general seem to drain so much out of you that you don’t feel like you have the time for anything else. Sadly this is something a lot of people struggle with but that doesn't mean that we should just allow.

Now set your mind and heart
to seek the Lord your God.
1 Chronicles 22:19 ESV

How to find time for God can look different for many people. For some it might look like waking up earlier to have that one on one time with God, while for others it may be giving up something to make time for God. For me it's TikTok. As someone who has had the last two months off work, my TikTok usage is at an embarrassing high number. Social media is a way I can turn off my brain and just calm down for hours on end. I don't think on the bad and stressful things in my life when my brain is so focused on those 7 second clips. Finding hobbies to distract you from life isn't always a bad thing but it becomes a problem when these hobbies take up more of your time then your relationship with God does. 

They should seek God and perhaps
feel their way towards 
Him and find
Him. Yet He is actually not far from
each one 
of us, for in Him we live
move and have our being.
Acts 17:27-28 ESV

Replacing these habits with time seeking and finding God is not only a great way to start the year but it helps us grow our relationship with our Father. That is my biggest focus, growing my relationship with God and the way to do that is by seeking more of Him in my life.

So this month I invite you to join me in my challenge to find and replace one habit for time with God. Take some time to really think about how you're spending your time and energy, is it filled with Candy Crush or binge watching a show?  Evaluate your time and challenge yourself to seek God more this month. Let's start off this year in a good way!

Discussion Questions:

1.) What are your New Years resolutions this year?

2.) How are you incorporating God into these resolutions?

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