Thursday, October 17, 2024

God As Our Refuge


By: Donna Bucher

Watching the wildlife in my wooded yard provides me not only with entertainment, but timely lessons from the Creator. Recently, a bustle of activity indicated seasonal changes and the need for more permanent shelter for the coming harsh weather.

The hurried pace of preparation spoke of diligence and intention, all wrapped in a cloak of seriousness, as the days grow shorter.

My smile dimmed as the hurried pace of the squirrels running to and fro across the yard, gave an accurate reflection of my own actions when faced with uncertain times. Panic tinged with a touch of the dramatic defines my search for refuge in God.

Whether facing the uncertain times of political elections, job security, financial security or simply not knowing the weather forecast for an important outdoor event; uncertainty sends us fleeing for shelter in security.

While Proverbs18:10 expounds, “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.” I often prefer the circuitous route, ensuring all other options receive consideration. How many of the following detours have you taken on your way to finding refuge in God?

Man. Or woman, or child. Seeking refuge in the protection of others, or the advice of others or even the company of others as an escape, rather than heading straight to God with the issue at hand.

Drug of Choice. “Drugs” come in many forms: entertainment, binge watching, comfort food, alcohol, shopping, working, even sleeping. Any form of escape or avenue for hiding.

Self-reliance. Obsessive “research” via internet or other avenues for problem solving, relying on your own wisdom (Proverbs 3:7) or abilities.

Denial. Refusing to accept the problem at all or choosing to remain paralyzed by fear of the future.

When you choose running away or seeking flimsy substitutes for refuge in God, you forfeit the peace and protection of His Presence. We find a beautiful illustration of this in Psalm 91:1, where the Psalmist pictures refuge in God as abiding in His shadow.

I love to envision standing so close to God, I am consumed completely by the shadow of His Presence. No evil, harm or tragedy comes nigh the mighty Presence of God.

Remembering all you gain when you seek refuge in God strengthens your faith to seek Him first for your shelter in troubled times.

Considering all God provides me as His child when I seek refuge in Him, I marvel at my reluctance to run into the high tower of God the moment I face uncertainty or trial.

God provides everything I need whether I am facing uncertainty, trial, temptation, illness, financial or relationship struggles; if I will but seek refuge in Him. How can I better seek refuge in God?

Ask. David continually poured out his heart to God in the psalms asking God to intercede for him and he earnestly sought God’s Presence for refuge from his enemies.

Forsake. Abandon your self-sufficiency and “do-it-yourself” mottos. Stop looking for escape clauses and admit your need for shelter in the storm.

Trust. Believe that God alone is your refuge and strength. Nothing you can obtain or nothing you can lose is of more value than God Himself.

Taking refuge in God, we find rest and intimacy in His Presence, surrounded by His steadfast love, He lavishes the abundance of His goodness upon us, while covering us with His joy, blessing and favor. Where are you seeking refuge?



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