Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Abundant Life for Moms

 By: Rebekah Hargraves

Photo Courtesy of: Edward Cisneros

"A thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance." ~John 10:10

We have already talked before in our motherhood series about how motherhood actually is not a woman's highest calling. We have looked at this in light of the fact that our highest calling is actually to bear God's image to the world and to be His ambassador daily living out the Great Commission (of which motherhood can be a big part, certainly!). But as we bring this series on motherhood to a conclusion, there is one more thing I want to touch on in reference to the issue of claiming motherhood is to be our ultimate purpose in life. If you have been hanging out in mommy culture or on mommy blogs for any length of time, you have probably at one time or another come across the "mommy martyrdom" syndrome, where moms are lamenting that they no longer eat anything but PB&J or grilled cheese, never get dressed in "real" clothes, never have a moment to talk to their husbands alone, never have time for anything they want to do, and the list goes on.

Mamas, this is not at all God's design for motherhood. Period. Does motherhood involve a lot of sacrifice and times of laying down your life for the lives of your children? Absolutely, it does. And that is a wonderful way we can live out Christ's example of sacrificing Himself in order to serve others.

However, there is a flip side to be remembered, as well, and that is that Christ came that we might have "life to the full" or "abundant" life, depending on your translation (see John 10:10). This doesn't mean our live will be all health, wealth, and prosperity. But it does mean that the Lord wants us to walk in joy, purpose, fulfillment, vision, and excitement as we go about our work of serving Him and serving others. 

Part of that means remembering that the Lord has given us gifts and talents that (while certainly able to be -and should be!- used in the context of mothering) are sometimes meant to be used in other contexts, as well. I know that for me, personally, when I use my gifts of writing and teaching to encourage other women, I absolutely come alive. I feel such joy, passion, purpose, and fulfillment when putting those gifts to use as God intended. When I, however, go even a day or two without writing, I begin to feel as if I am going to absolutely burst if I don't hurry up and get back to writing again. 

This is a prime example of why it's important to remember that, as important as motherhood is, it is not meant to be what our ultimate purpose in life consists of. In fact, I would say (as Sally Clarkson often has!) that when we do put to good use the gifts and talents God has given us, that automatically makes us into better, more fulfilled, more joyful mamas. And you know what kind of awesomeness can result in the home and family from mamas who are joyful and content in their lives!

There are so many issues which all stem from the lie that motherhood is one's ultimate highest purpose and calling. Putting the cart before the horse always results in hardship, because we are not living life as God designed for us to. Just a few other issues with this lie are that when we believe it, we usually also begin to believe that our identities and ultimate fulfillment are found in motherhood and what kind of mom we are. On the good days that can make us feel great, but on the hard days when mommy guilt sets in, it can bring us very low.

The fact of the matter is this: because our ultimate highest calling and greatest purpose in life is to be an image bearer of God and ambassador for Christ, so too is our identity and ultimate fulfillment. Our identity is safe in Christ and who we are in Him; it is not based on what we do, but in Whose we are. Our fulfillment comes ultimately from serving the Lord and walking out His design for our lives whether that is as a mama solely in the spiritual sense, as a stay-at-home mom, as a working mom, or as an empty nester. Whatever we have been called by God to do is what is going to give us the fulfillment for which we long. And for me, that comes from being His daughter first and foremost, and then next a wife, a mama, an author and blogger, a podcaster and speaker, a friend, a neighbor, a daughter, a business owner, and so on. My ultimate fulfillment first comes from God, but then from there can be found in a multitude of different areas. It doesn't all have to come solely from motherhood (nor should it - the Proverbs 31 woman is a wonderful example of this!).

I hope that enables you to take a deep breath of fresh air today, mama! Feel called by God to take on a job as a work-from-home mom? Awesome, go do that! Feel called by God to strictly be a stay-at-home mom? Wonderful, do that! Feel called by God to take on a fulfilling hobby? Great, go do it! And all the while remember this - motherhood is just one of the many amazing purposes God created you for! Embrace it fully, thrive in it, make the most of it, but also always remember its place in God's overarching story for your life. 

Questions for Reflection:

1. What have you always believed about a woman's highest calling and ultimate purpose?

2. How could viewing motherhood as your ultimate highest purpose for life negatively impact your identity, fulfillment, and even everyday life?

3. You ultimate highest calling is to be an image bearer of God and an ambassador for Christ. How can you live out these callings as a mom?

4. How does Matthew 10:37 influence the place motherhood has in your life?

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