Thursday, September 12, 2024

Where is Your Sacred Space?


By: Donna Bucher

Creating a sacred space whether inside your home, outside your home, or in another venue altogether, offers a unique refuge for deeper fellowship with God. A way for us to create a threshold between earthly distractions and heavenly rest.

Think of a sacred space as a place where you feel safe, protected, and accepted just as you are. A refuge free from worry, distractions, and demands; but ultimately a place where you feel closest to God.

Similar to the Celtic tradition of “thin places”: moments in time at specific places where the space between heaven and earth seems “thin”, sacred spaces are where we feel especially close to God.

Thin places happen naturally, or rather “supernaturally” and often unexpectedly. Perhaps you recall a time or place where you felt God’s Presence in a profound way. It may have been a moment in time, or a specific place, but the experience left a distinct impression in your mind.

A sacred space offers us a place of deep connection and abiding with God in complete peace and contentment.

Both the thin places encountered, and the sacred spaces created minister peace to my soul, through a deep sense of God’s Presence. Using the love language of Peace, God reveals more of His nature to me in these in-between places where the divine meets the every day.

Here are a few of my favorite places:

One thin place for me was an actual location: The Bay of Fundy. Located between New Brunswick on mainland Canada and Nova Scotia; it boasts the highest tides (56 feet) in the world. One of the seven wonders of North America, it has some of the oldest rock formations containing dinosaur fossils, as well as the rarest whales in the world.

Standing in the tidal basin of a sixty-foot rock formation, at low tide, I was overcome with a feeling of God’s majesty, power, and glory, just as the sun crested the peak of the rocks above.

Another thin place was simply a moment in time on an ordinary day. After handing a Styrofoam cup of crushed ice to a very ill cancer patient in palliative clinic, our eyes locked as he simply said, “thank you”.

In that moment, the words of Matthew 25:40 filled my heart, “And the King will answer them, Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”

Gentle serenity and love reflected in his eyes and the power of his presence held my gaze for several long minutes as if time stopped.

Profoundly powerful, my thin place encounters leave me with the same sense of awe Jacob expressed in Genesis 28:16, “Surely God was in this place”. 

While not always as profound or powerful, my sacred spaces breathe moments of God’s Presence into my hectic days through intentional rest.

Yet both encounters visit me with the common experience of deep Joy, Love, contentment, and acceptance, filling me with a genuine reluctance to leave the space.

Reflect on your own thin place experiences; when you felt especially close to God and draw ideas to incorporate into your sacred space from them. A few things to consider are:

Space. Choose a place indoors or outdoors free of distraction, where you feel comfortable and at ease. Keep the lighting soft.

Senses. Consider engaging all five senses.

Incorporate beauty, whether nature views or personal items you place in your space. My indoor space has meaningful photos, mementos, and nature decor.

Incorporate fragrance via essential oils, scented candles, or other fragrances you enjoy.

Incorporate relaxing sounds. Water is healing for me, so I love listening to my waterfall outside, or a recording of the ocean or a brook. Soft music, or even windchimes, another favorite of mine.

Incorporate touch by having a cozy throw, pillow, or other item which feels good in your hand. When outside, I often hold leaves, flowers, or stones. Inside or outside I love my olivewood cross, as it fits perfectly in the palm of my hand!

Incorporate taste by having a delightful beverage and snack nearby.

Spiritual. incorporate meaningful spiritual items, scripture cards, plaques or other scripture decor, bible, prayer shawl, or inspirational quotes.

Ultimately, creating a sacred space results in creating your own personal threshold for a quiet space of encountering God. A space between earthly demands and encounters and our deepest desire to linger with God in a more meaningful communion.

Like thin places, sacred spaces can be a static spot reserved for intentional retreat moments or at times we can create a sacred space almost anywhere we feel open to encountering God in the moment.

What possibilities come to mind as you contemplate a sacred space?



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