Monday, September 9, 2024

Tell Your Story

 By: Joanne Viola

Stories. We love to hear them and more so, we love to tell them.

Stories unfold in the books we read, the movies we watch, and in life around us. They are important as they help to form our opinions and the decisions we come to make.

When our lives have been changed by the power of God, the stories we share become His story. Those stories point us to who God is, the many things He has done, and the hope He brings to our daily lives.

Those stories tell us His ways are not our ways. We are better able to rest in His sovereignty over our lives.

They also help us to place our hope and trust in Him. We bind ourselves to Him and His Word, knowing He is faithful to His promises. We believe He is sufficient to meet our needs and provide for the days ahead.

Our stories matter more than we may realize and it is vital for us to tell them.

We tend to think of legacy as that which we leave behind when we pass from this earth. The reality is we are building our legacy with each day we are alive.

By the telling of our stories, we bring the Gospel to life in our day. Our children and families come to know of the way God moved in our situations bringing redemption and restoration.

We need to hear the experiences of provision, protection, salvation, and yes, healing.

We will not conceal them from their children,
But tell to the generation to come the praises of the Lord,

And His strength and His wondrous works that He has done.”

(Psalm 78:4, NASB)

“Asaph wanted the future generations to trust God, to learn from the past, and to obey God’s Word. Only then could they be sure of the blessing of God. That principle still applies today.”

(from The Wiersbe Study Bible, page 825)

Our stories are not unimportant or trivial. As we tell the occurrences of our lives and the way God moved, our stories become tangible evidences of His power to yet change lives and situations today.

Our stories matter
for they reveal the activity of God in our day.
Keep telling yours!


How has God revealed Himself in your life? What is the story that needs to be told?


Image by by_mema from Pixabay



  1. I love to hear people's stories of how God brought them to Himself and worked in their lives. There's a time for didactic teaching, but our personal stories wing their way into hearts with a ring of authenticity.

    1. I so agree, Barbara. As I listen to someone's story, I feel more deeply connected with them. A bond is forged through the act of being trusted with their story.

    2. I so agree, Barbara. When listening to someone tell their story, there is a connection which occurs. A bond is forged when we trust each other with our stories.


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