Wednesday, September 11, 2024


By: Jenifer Metzger

Now he told them a parable on the
need for them to pray always and not give up.
Luke 18:1 CSB

Have you ever heard the acronym P.U.S.H.? It means:

It's a call to continue praying until you receive your answer.

Often we pray for something -whether a need for ourselves, a lost loved one to come to Christ, or the needs of others- and we don't see God's answer right away so we grow weary of praying. We just give up. We stop calling on Jesus. We stop bringing our needs and loved ones to Him.

Can you imagine a lost loved one on the brink of finding God and you stopped praying for them? Could you imagine a healing that needed to take place and you gave up praying? Could you imagine the addict on the verge on breakthrough yet you decided your prayers weren't being heard and you just quit?

You may think, "I don't have that kind of power. My prayers don't matter that much." Oh friend. If you only knew. Your prayers do matter. When you call on the name of Jesus, He listens and He answers.

You will call to Me and come
and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.
Jeremiah 29:12 CSB

God always answers our prayers. Always. He answers three different ways. Sometimes He gives us a yes, sometimes He gives us a no, and sometimes He tells us to wait. If He gives us a yes or no, that is our answered prayer. But if He gives us a wait, we keep on praying. We don't stop until the yes or no come.

We have to keep praying. We have to keep boldly going to God and believing for an answer. We have to keep the faith.

Earlier this year I had grown weary of praying for the salvation of someone. Not that I was tired of praying for them or wanted to stop, but I was tired of not getting an answer. I was tired of not seeing this person come to Christ. Then I turned on the radio and heard Matthew West's song, Don't Stop Praying. So powerful. Just read some of the lyrics:

What's your impossible? Your "I need a miracle"
What's got you barely hanging by a single thread?
What looks so hopeless now? What weighs down your heart with doubt?
You beg for a breakthrough, but no sign of breakthrough yet

When you've cried, and you've cried 'til your tears run dry
The answer won't come, and you don't know why
And you wonder if you can bow your head even one more time

Don't stop praying
Don't stop calling on Jesus' name
Keep on pounding on Heaven's door
And let your knees wear out the floor
Don't stop believing
'Cause mountains move with just a little faith
And your Father's heard every single word you're saying
So, don't stop praying

Then it goes on to say:

Don't stop praying for the prodigal
Don't stop praying for the miracle
Hallelujah, hallelujah, and amen
Don't stop praying that addictions end
Don't stop praying for deliverance
Hallelujah, hallelujah, and amen
Oh, don't stop praying for the sickness healed
Don't stop praying for His power revealed
Hallelujah, hallelujah, and amen
No, don't stop praying for the Kingdom come
Don't stop praying that His will be done
Hallelujah, hallelujah, and amen

After listening to this song, my faith was renewed. My sense of urgency to keep on praying for this person to come to Christ came back. I kept on praying daily that this person would return to the Lord. And guess what? They did! I cannot begin to imagine if I had stopped praying! Either this person wouldn't have found salvation -absolutely devastating to think of- or God would have found someone else to lift this person in prayer and I wouldn't have had the blessing in being a part of this incredible miracle.

We have to keep praying friend. What is that thing you've prayed for and feel tired of not receiving an answer? What is that thing you've lifted to Heaven but feel your prayers are just bouncing off the ceiling? Keep praying. Keep

1. What have you been praying for and haven't received an answer for yet?
2. Have you grown weary in praying? What can you do to find a renewed passion to lift this need to God?

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