Monday, September 30, 2024

Praise: He Deserves It All

 By: Joanne Viola


Every night before heading to bed, I pretty much have the same routine. Shut windows, make sure the coffee pot is set to automatic timer, turn off the lights, and plug in my phone.


As I headed to bed the other night, I reflected how my morning and nighttime routines are pretty established. And then the verse softly flooded my mind:


From the rising of the sun to its setting,
The name of the Lord is to be praised.”

(Psalm 113:3, NASB)


Our God is worthy of our praise from the rising of the sun until it sets. We have cause to praise Him from the time we awaken until our eyes close and give way to sleep.


The psalmist captures the actions of God who is at work in all of our days:

  • He raises the poor from the dust” (Psalm 113:7a, NASB). What is making you “poor” today? Where is your deficit? It can be a financial need, but we can also be short of energy, of time, or spiritually bankrupt.
  • He “lifts the needy from the ash heap” (verse 7b, NASB). What has left you feeling rejected? Sent to the rubbish heap? Devoid of hope.


He stoops to look down on heaven and on earth.”
(verse 6, NLT) 


God sees us and draws near to us in our distress. Can you see the picture that Scripture is depicting for us? Like a loving parent that squats to speak face to face with a child, to hear a child, to comfort a child. This is the very action of our God towards us.

God is reaching down to help us in our situations.
He stoops towards us to reach, help, and lift us up.
And that is reason to praise Him.

What can you praising God for today?


**Photo taken one early morning on Lake Winnepausakee, N.H. while we were on vacation.



1 comment:

  1. God always leaves something in the day for us, like a parent putting a note in their child's lunch box - He leaves something in the day for us to Praise Him. He is so worthy of praise - even in the awful storms and flooding - He is worthy of praise.


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