Thursday, September 26, 2024

On the Brink of Something New


By: Donna Bucher

Still a week away, another birthday looming always invites pausing at the threshold of another year. The eagerness of younger years for quickly passing into a new year ahead, wanes as I approach the last leg of my life’s journey.

For even if the Lord blesses me with the 100 years I desire, I have but less than half a lifetime to reach it as I soon pass the sixty-five-year mark.

Today, I invite you to reflection; to the Joy of standing on the brink of everything as Parker Palmer so eloquently muses:

“Welcome to the brink of everything. It takes a lifetime to get here, but the stunning view of past, present, and future—and the bracing breeze in your face—make it worth the trip.”

Parker J. Palmer


We entertain a fascination of sorts with thresholds, though we may not recognize it. The popularity of C.S. Lewis’ wardrobe in his Narnia series, or the train station in the Harry Potter tale, thrill us with pausing at the threshold between two worlds.

Creating rituals for the first and last days of school, retirement, change of seasons, or welcoming a new year, help us celebrate milestones reached and those yet to come.

Pausing at the threshold acknowledges the importance of transition, through simple rituals, incorporating past, present, and future in meaningful and memorable ways.

But the lack of ritual for the current threshold of passing into the last stage of my life’s journey, leaves me captive to strong emotions of fear, anticipation, hope, and exhilaration; including a feeling of disconnect between the past, present, and future.

Wisdom pauses at key thresholds, resting, listening, and reflecting upon elements of faith and the becoming of sanctification weaving the past into my present identity, while whispering the promise of more yet to come.

As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.

Proverbs 27:19


Coming across Proverbs 27:19 recently, reminded me of the importance of deep reflection before God. Fueling a ritual of review as I wait poised on my current key threshold.

Just as refusing a glance in the mirror fails in altering my visage, so, too, refusing the acceptance of painful emotions cannot change the landscape of my heart.

Choosing an honest overview of my life journey thus far, as Holy Spirit leads, offers immense freedom, healing, and Hope for the future!

Employing some of my favorite methods of mindful exploration over the next several months, will gently position me for the new beginning God has planned for me in the next leg of my life’s journey.

Pausing with Psalm 19:14“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”, I savor my life journey so far with a concise six-word statement.

Inspired by Ernest Hemingway’s bravado in winning a small wager involving his ability to write a novel in six words, I composed a few statements reflecting aspects of my life from which to reflect and journal.

Though Hemingway’s winning response (“For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn”) is far more poignant and vivid, my statements capture profound aspects of a life of faith.

·      The exits were entrances in disguise.

·      My losses were my greatest gains.

·      Forged through fire, suffering yielded resilience.

·      Joy shines brightest in the darkness

Through God’s gift of words, I celebrate a multi-faceted journey of growth. What six-word statements might summarize your life’s journey?

No more exquisite words bathe my soul in the beauty of God’s Words for my life than Psalm 139:1-18.

Does sitting with God’s words about you and your life change your perspective on the past as you pause at the threshold to the future?


Whether at a key threshold or one of many encountered daily, weekly, or in a lifetime; pausing at the threshold offers moments of thankful review and simple rituals of acceptance.

For only on the threshold are we gifted the opportunity of understanding the past’s influence on the present, as we prepare to embrace the continued transformation of the future with gratitude.



Find more encouragement and FREE Resources at Serenity in Suffering!


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