Sunday, September 1, 2024

Jesus' Love | My Everlasting Green


By: Paula Short

As the days grow shorter and the summer sun begins its farewell, I find myself preparing for a familiar challenge: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). While I’m still a few weeks away from the dreaded time change, I’ve been taking proactive steps to combat the seasonal blues. One of my recent endeavors has been creating a vibrant indoor green space.

Over the summer, I decided to explore the world of houseplants. I’ve transformed my home into a miniature botanical garden with a tall plant stand, and some grow lights. The lush greenery has brought a sense of joy, peace, and comfort to my space. As I’ve learned the intricacies of indoor plant care, I’ve been reminded of the beauty and resilience of life.

My indoor garden has become a sanctuary in a world that can often feel overwhelming and chaotic. The plants’ vibrant colors and soothing textures have a calming effect on my mind and soul. As I tend to my plants, I’m reminded of the care and attention that God bestows upon us.

Just as my houseplants require sunlight, water, and nutrients to thrive, I, too, need nourishment for my spirit. And there is no greater source of nourishment than the love of Jesus Christ. His love is like a constant spring of living water, refreshing my soul and giving me the strength to face any challenge.

No matter what circumstances or situations I encounter, including SAD’s seasonal darkness, I can find solace and hope in Jesus’ love. His presence is like a warm, comforting blanket that envelops me in peace and security. His love is my everlasting green, a source of joy, peace, comfort, calm, and safety that never fades.

As we approach the changing seasons, let us remember that even in the darkest times, there is light to be found. Let us cultivate a love for God and His Word and find joy in life’s simple beauty. With Jesus as our guide, we can weather any storm and emerge stronger and more resilient.


Remember that you are not alone in life’s storms when the darkness overwhelms you. Jesus, the world’s light, will guide and illuminate your path. His love is a steadfast anchor, holding you steady even in the roughest seas.

Embrace the green of hope, the green of growth, and the green of God’s love. Let His grace nourish your soul, and His peace calm your spirit. Know that you are loved, cherished, and never abandoned.

May the light of Jesus illuminate your journey, dispelling the shadows of doubt and fear. Trust in His unwavering love and find solace in His embrace.

For more information on Seasonal Affective Disorder, read my blog post: Finding Light in the Darkness | Managing Seasonal Affective Disorder with Jesus



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