Wednesday, September 25, 2024

It's A Daily Thing

By: Jenifer Metzger

A few of years ago I began to have stomach issues. Some of my symptoms were inconvenient and annoying. But one of my symptoms caused severe stomach pain to the point of spending hours doubled over crying in pain. It started with a day of symptoms, then I'd be okay for a few months. Then it would reoccur. As time progressed, the attacks became more frequent.

One day I was having the worst attack to date and couldn't take it anymore, so I called the doctor. Yes, I know. I should have gone to the doctor before then, but let's not go there.

After a visit with the doctor and some tests, I was put on medication. Which honestly, I just found annoying. I hated that I had to be on a medication daily. When I took the medication, my symptoms would dispel. But if I missed even one day, my symptoms came back. I've been on the medication for close to two years now and still, if I miss a day, my symptoms reappear. I have to stay consistent every single day.

The same can be said for our time with God.

Reading the Bible and praying aren't something we can do just once a week in the church building or here and there at home, and expect "good results." It's something we have to stay consistent with every single day.

This book of instruction must not depart
from your mouth; you are to meditate on
it day and night so that you may carefully
observe everything written in it. For then you
will prosper and succeed in whatever you do.
Joshua 1:8 CSB

We prioritize so much in our lives. Medication. Going to the gym. Our kids' homework. Projects at work. Chores at home. And much more. Yet, when it comes to prioritizing spending time with God, we are lackadaisical. We do it, if we have time, if we feel like it, if nothing good is on TV, if we become bored with social media.

It can be easy to let days go by without opening the pages of our Bible or without sitting down and having conversation with God. Before we know it, it's Sunday again and we haven't had time with Him.

Just like when I skip my medication my symptoms come back, when we skip time with God, our symptoms appear. Symptoms of discontentment, bitterness, anger, anxiety, depression, and more. You may be thinking, "My symptoms can still be there even when I spend time with God." Yes, while that may be true at times, when we spend time with God, we are better equipped to handle those symptoms.

Think of a professional athlete. They know their sport. They are well trained and know everything they possibly need to know of for their game. Yet, they still practice daily. They still warm up before a game. Not because they don't know the game, because they need to prepare their mind and body to handle whatever may come their way during the game.

When we spend time with God daily, we are preparing our mind, body, emotions, and spirit for whatever may come our way during the day. We are also reminding our enemy that we are equipped and ready and that God is on our side.

Don't skip your daily dose, make it a priority to spend time with God through prayer and Bible reading every day.

1. Is having time with God daily a priority? If not, what can you do to make it one?
2. What does your time with God look like each day?

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