Friday, September 13, 2024

Every Single Tear

 By: Lauren Thomas

Most people don’t love to cry in front of others. So, consider, how many tears must be shed in private, unseen, unacknowledged. Which makes this verse all the more interesting:


You keep track of all my sorrows.
    You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
    You have recorded each one in your book.

Psalm 56:8 NLT


Every tear.

Every grieving tear.

Every tear from loss.

Every lonely tear.

Every angry tear.

Every tear from betrayal.

Every tear from hurt.

Every tear from being left out.

Every tear from disappointment.

Every tear from being misunderstood.

Every tear from being misrepresented.

Every tear from being falsely accused.

Every tear from being slandered.

Every tear from being maligned.

Every tear from injustice.

Every shameful tear.

Every guilty tear.

Every regretful tear.

Every sentimental tear.

Every tear of pain.

Every tear of joy.

Every tear of redemption.

Every tear of conflict.

Every tear of reconciliation.

Every tear of depression.

Every tear of anxiety.

Every tear shed for every child, unconceived, unborn, born, grown, living, dead.

Every tear for your family.

Every tear for your spouse, your marriage.

Every tear on behalf of the pain of another.


Every one of your tears.

Every tear of your family.

Every tear of your friends.

Every tear of your neighbors.

Every tear of those who have hurt you.

Every tear of those who you have hurt.


He is the God who sees (Genesis 16:13). He is the God who knows (Psalm 139). He knows every detail of your life, and He cares about the details too (Luke 12:6-7).  


Don’t for a second believe otherwise. Don’t for a second believe that He’s too big to care. Don’t for a second believe that there are too many people for God to care about.


Every single tear cried by all of humanity for all of time, He has tracked. And He has done it in compassion.


You have never cried alone. You will never cry alone.



If you had to add a type of tear to my list, what would it be? What does it show you about God that he keeps record of every tear you cry? What does it mean to you that you never cry alone?

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