Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Importance of Biblical Womanhood

 By: Rebekah Hargraves

Photo Courtesy of: Rachel Coyne

"...so that God’s word will not be slandered." ~Titus 2:5b

We have covered so many different topics lately under the heading of biblical womanhood, refuting extremes, studying the Word, and coming to a better understanding of biblical womanhood as God intended.

After such an extensive study in such a short span of time, you may be beginning to wonder what the purpose of all this was. Why did we study this topic in the first place? Why did we address and refute so many areas of wrong thinking? Why did we dive deeply into what the Word has to say about women and their roles and responsibilities as designed by God?

Well, there are actually many reasons for this and many reasons for my taking the time to produce this series for you. Reasons such as the fact that wrong views about women and their design permeate the church on all sides of the spectrum, causing division, discord, and disrespect. Reasons such as the fact that a misunderstanding as to God's design of you as a woman leads to your living in bondage you do not have to be prey to. Reasons such as the fact that it is the enemy who is behind so many of these wrong viewpoints about women, and he needs to be stopped. But the one, primary, overarching reason as to why the topic of true biblical womanhood is such a crucial one to study is because what is ultimately at stake here is God and the picture we are providing of Him to the watching world. We say a lot about what we believe about God and His character through what we say about how He designed women to live and work and minister in His kingdom. 


If we are accustomed to preaching an ideology which makes women out to be inferior, subordinate, or subservient to men, we are saying a lot about God and how He views women.

If we are preaching an ideology which makes women out to be the conquerors of men and rulers of everything, we are saying a lot about God and how He views the relationship between His sons and daughters. 

Neither position is saying anything favorable about Him, is it? Would either extreme result in people wanting to learn more about this God that the Christians serve and proclaim? Most likely not. And who could blame them, right? 

If, however, we present a beautiful picture of an impactful, harmonious, peaceful, equal, important, familial type of relationship between the sexes that is marked by camaraderie and mutual support and encouragement (as the Bible actually sets forth!), then imagine how attractive and unique and intriguing such a picture would be to the watching world who doesn't yet know this God we serve!

This is truly what is at stake, friend. If we say and believe that men and women were made in the image of God but then bicker, experience inequality and subordination, abuse and use one another, what are we saying?

Jesus told us in John 13:34-35 that, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” If men and women just can't seem to get along, working together in unity and common respect and deference, then how will the watching world ever know that we are His disciples? Or that there is anything worthwhile about being His disciples?

These are the questions we have to ask ourselves as we take what we believe and say about womanhood and compare it to the character of God as a loving, caring Father who delights in both His daughters and His sons and Who has a plan and purpose and mission for each one. 

Is this the picture we are presenting, or is it far different? 

Questions for Reflection:

1. How could viewing women as being created subordinate to men corrupt the picture of God as portrayed in His Word?

2. How could viewing men and women as interchangeable corrupt the picture of God as portrayed in His Word?

3. How could viewing men as needing to be subordinate to women corrupt the picture of God as portrayed in His Word?

4. How does 1 Peter 3:7's description of men and women as being "heirs together of the grace of life" present a beautiful picture of equality between the sexes and God's love and purpose for each one?

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