Monday, August 26, 2024

Our Blueprint for Life

 By: Joanne Viola


We all need guidance. Every day. Throughout the day.

There is no doubt – we desire for God to guide us each day. More often than not, the problem is not our lack of desire for guidance as much as it is in making the consistent daily time to spend in God’s Word.

Lately I have been reflecting on a few verses from Psalm 119 which remind me of the benefits of daily Scripture reading:

  • It brings joy to our lives. (Psalm 119:1, 2)
  • It will keep us from wandering. (Psalm 119:10, 11)
  • It will teach us to live consistently with God’s decrees. (Psalm 119:5)

In her book, “Living Faith”, Dr. Helen Roseveare states that although God gives us directions, this does not mean we will always have full knowledge of His plan. She says, instead, what we have been given is  … “a blueprint for intelligent obedience.” We obey one step at a time. We follow what He directs, trusting Him for the next directive.

She beautifully ties together guidance and the critical need to both read and know Scripture.

  “If as we read and study the Word, we seek grace to obey God’s revealed precepts, we shall find guidance; that is, we shall discover that we are being guided day by day, possibly without actually realizing it.”


(from Living Faith, page 92)

The decisions and choices we make will align with God’s Word because we will receive all that we need through the pages of His Word written to us. And for us.

Be encouraged to make time each day to read your Bibles. As we open the pages, may our prayer be:

“Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions.”
(Psalm 119:18, NLT)

May we see the marvelous wonders in His Word. May His Word be alive and living in each of our hearts and minds as we seek Him daily.

Read His Word each day.
It’s your “blueprint for intelligent obedience”.


How do you make time each day to read God's Word? How does God guide you each day?


Image by This_is_Engineering from Pixabay


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