Wednesday, August 21, 2024


By: Jenifer Metzger

My son, give me your heart,
and let your eyes observe My ways.
Proverbs 23:26 CSB

Surrender. A word we hear often in the Christian world. We hear it in church, online, on Christian radio, podcasts, and most importantly, in the Bible. We know the importance of surrendering. We know the blessing and joy that comes from surrendering. We know the healing that comes from surrendering. We know all the wonderful things that take place when we surrender, yet, how often do we fully surrender?

Recently I was with my three year old grandson at the grocery store. We walked down the aisle of "treats." He was thrilled that we said he could pick out a treat to take home. This long aisle filled with every imaginable goodie for a toddler. From crackers to cookies, granola bars to gummies, and much more. His eyes lit up! He would reach for something I knew he wouldn't eat and I would quickly say, "No, not that one." He'd reach for another treat that I knew wasn't good for him and again I'd say, "Not that one."

Our surrender to God is like that. We say, "God! I surrender to You! Here is my life." He reaches to our open hands and we pull back and say, "No, not that one." He reaches for another area and we again say, "No, You can't have that."

We hold back from God. We let God have our fear, but hold onto addiction. We give Him our Sunday, but hold tightly to our Monday through Saturday. We hand over our attitude, yet clinch tightly to our worry. We let Him take our pain, but hold fast to our self-righteousness. We don't fully open up to God. And when we don't fully open up to Him, we don't surrender.

We need to leave our heart fully open to God and hold back nothing. We need to let Him come in and gain complete control over every part, even those deepest, darkest caverns we would rather He stay out of. Surrender is rarely easy, but it is always necessary.

"I leave my heart open
Open to You
I'm holding back nothing
Nothing from You"

1. What area of your life to you hold tightly to that God may be calling you to surrender?
2. What blessings have you seen from surrender?

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