Monday, August 12, 2024

More than Enough

 By: Joanne Viola

When you go on vacation as a family, finding quiet space or time can be a challenge. There always seems to be conversation surrounding you, or a TV on in the common spaces.

Such was the scenario recently. And then we came home.

The quiet was welcomed as I created space and time for God to speak through His Word.

Back in our normal daily routines, I was also alone with my responsibilities and appointments.

Or was I?

We experience disappointments when our expectations are not met. It is hard to realize we have become poor at listening or hearing one another. There is a facade put on so we appear to be attentive but in reality, we are not focusing on what is being communicated.

Sitting in the stillness, my phone dings and I read a message from a friend: How has the day gone?

I give the update on several situations and in the midst of typing, my heart swells with gratitude.

God had been with me all day, guiding and bringing needed answers. He will never disappoint as He is always listening, and attentive to our cries.

Opening my devotional book, the words are there on the top of the day’s reading:

“Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
(Matthew 28:20, NASB)


There will never be a day that we need to be without His Presence.
The Lord will never leave us. He is ever-present, and
He will always be more than enough.




When have you been surprised to discover God was with you even when you were unaware?


Image by Ольга Бережна from Pixabay



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