Sunday, August 11, 2024

Glimpses of Jesus in the Old Testament


In the study and contemplation of the nature of Jesus, our Messiah, a mystery is revealed throughout the pages of the Bible. This mystery is the pre-incarnate appearances of the Son of God in the Old Testament. While Jesus Christ’s physical incarnation is revealed in the New Testament, His presence in the Old Testament is veiled yet unmistakably woven into the fabric of biblical history.

I’ve often encountered these verses during my Scripture time, but their actual impact recently gave me one of those Ah Ha, I Get It Now! startling moments. So, I set out to find specific passages that reference Jesus in the Old Testament.

One awe-inspiring pre-incarnate appearance of the Son of God is found in the book of Genesis. In Genesis 18, we read about a visitation to Abraham by three men, one of whom is recognized as the Lord Himself. This encounter provides a glimpse into the divine nature of Christ as Abraham bows down and addresses Him as “My Lord.” This interaction foreshadows Christ’s future incarnation and reveals His eternal existence.

Another powerful pre-incarnate appearance is recorded in the book of Daniel. In Daniel 3, we encounter the account of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace. Astonishingly, the king observes a fourth figure in the furnace, walking with the three men, and declares that the appearance is like “the Son of God.” This awe-inspiring manifestation of the pre-incarnate Christ demonstrates His presence during trials and His willingness to walk with His people through the fiercest fires of life.

The Old Testament is replete with additional pre-incarnate appearances of the Son of God, each offering profound insights into His divine nature and His active involvement in human history. These appearances serve as reliable signposts, pointing to the fulfillment of God’s promise to send His Son as the Savior of the world.

Here are some other verses for reflection:

Genesis 16: The Angel of the LORD appears to Hagar, promising to multiply her descendants. This is a clear prophetic reference to the nation of Israel, which would come through Isaac, the son of Abraham and Sarah.

Judges 6: The Angel of the LORD appears to Gideon, empowering him to defeat the Midianites. This encounter showcases the divine power and authority of this angelic figure.

Isaiah 63: The prophet Isaiah describes a powerful warrior figure, often identified as the Lord Himself, coming to redeem His people. This passage is believed by many to be a messianic prophecy, pointing to the future coming of Jesus Christ.

Let's Reflect

As we explore the Old Testament with fresh eyes, seeking to uncover the pre-incarnate appearances of Jesus Christ, our faith is deepened, and our understanding of God’s love is expanded. It’s an exciting journey of discovery that invites us to connect the dots between the Old and New Testaments, ultimately leading us to a deeper appreciation for the person and work of Jesus Christ.

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