Thursday, August 15, 2024

An Unusual Perspective on Joy


By: Donna Bucher

Christian Joy reveals a unique relationship with others. Yes, others bring, offer, and share joy with us; and we likewise have opportunity for reciprocation. But even more fascinating, we can attain incredible insight to Joy by observing its presence in the lives of others.

Glimpsing snippets of the divine nature in diverse expressions of Joy in the lives of others, alerted me to the manifold ways the Creator reveals His Joy in and through others.

From the raucous laughter of a dear colleague and the sheer delight of my granddaughter’s uninhibited dance to the quiet confidence of a grieving patient; His Joy transcends time and space.

As with so many things in God’s upside Kingdom, the more Joy I gave away, the more Joy I received.

Viewing Joy through relationships with others reminded me the greatest Joy meets me leaving my hand.

Rather than expecting Joy at the hand of others, when I choose investing my Joy in them, the return is a hundred-fold more than I invested. Joy simply cannot be held; it begs bestowal upon others.

A Fruit of the Spirit, my view of Joy through relationships must include contemplation of its fellowship with God. Learning fullness of Joy abides in God’s Presence, I also grasped Joy as a gift of salvation.

Realizing God’s Presence remains with me always (Joshua 1:5-9gives me access to fullness of Joy in His Presence at all times, and knowing the journey of sanctification leads to glorification, when my joy will be perfected in that moment my eyes meet His and I hear the words, “Enter into the Joy of your Lord.”

We hear and know “God is Love”; but God is also JOY! All true joy flows from God Himself. C. S. Lewis found in his own search for Joy, God was the satisfaction of his driving desire for Joy.

Our God is a joyful God; He rejoiced over His creation, His plans for us are good and He rejoices over us with JOY!

The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.


Zephaniah 3:17


God desires His children experience Joy, and for that express purpose sent His Son as our redemption. Christ shared the Father’s wish in John 15:11, imparting His desire that God’s Joy be our Joy, the complete fulfillment of Joy for us. Joy never comes from us; it springs from the God of Joy.

Finally, viewing Joy through relationships bade me consider Joy’s interaction with my own heart. Truly the most difficult relationship with Joy is my own.

Like the delicate butterfly, grasping Joy tightly disfigures its exquisite beauty.

The gift of divine Presence within, Joy offers us an ethereal experience no worldly acquisition provides. A privilege reserved for those intimately known by the Creator.

Joy’s interaction with our hearts reminds me God’s Joy pursues me, shrouds me in His love and reflects His glory to others. A privilege not earned, apprehended nor possessed, but rather embodied.

Spending time viewing Joy through relationships enriched my Joy with valuable reminders of lessons learned, revelations of treasures formerly hidden and musings of discoveries yet future.

Marveling at the depths of priceless encounters each relationship embodies, surfaces a thirst long unquenched.

A thirst to drink deeply, even unto the dregs of all this tiny word holds. Savoring, luxuriating in its beauty, lingering with its wisdom, and communing with its magnificent Source. Transformed by the power that no darkness, suffering, or evil can defeat, until every corner of my soul speaks “JOY”.


What is your perspective on Joy?

How can you learn to give more Joy than you expect to receive?


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