Wednesday, August 14, 2024

A Back to School Prayer for All

By: Jenifer Metzger

All over the world students and faculty are headed back to school. Please join me in praying over children, teens, and young adults students, as well as all those who work in the school system in any capacity.

A back to school prayer for all #backtoschool #school #teachers #students #children #homeschool


We thank you for those headed back to school. Our children heading to elementary school, preteens heading to middle school, teens heading to high school, young adults heading off to college, and those who work in the school system. They all matter and we are thankful for each and every one.

We ask You right now for your hedge of protection to be around all of them. Keep Your guardian angels encamped around them and allow no harm to come to them. Stop any plans the enemy has for harm. Protect them physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

I pray, Lord, for students of all ages. As they learn, help them to retain. When things get hard, give them the strength and desire to press on. Let this be a successful year as they learn and grow.

I pray for those who work in the schools. As they prepare lessons, organize events, clean buildings, or whatever they may be called to do, give them wisdom. Help them to be gentle and patient with those they are teaching or guiding. Allow them to get good sleep at night and wake each morning ready for a new day.

Lord, help all those heading into the schools -children and adults alike- to be includers. Help them to reach out to the friendless and be a friend. Help them to stand up for the one who is different. Help them to always have a smile ready to show and a kind word ready to speak.

I pray for the homeschool mamas who work just as hard as those in the brick and mortar buildings. As they care for their families and homes, do the chores, and teach their children, strengthen them. Sustain them. Help them to find their support village and be a support for others.

And last, we pray for the believers heading to school. Help them to boldly stand up for You. Unashamed and ready to share the Gospel of Jesus. Help them not to waiver in their faith but to stand with feet firmly planted in You.

We pray all of this in Jesus name, amen.

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