Monday, July 15, 2024

Wisdom Has a Voice

 By: Joanne Viola

We gather our information from a variety of sources. Yet all sources are not created equally, and wisdom is needed in order to sort information wisely.

Not all information is helpful or right for every person. We are unique individuals, molded by God, and on the paths He has marked out for us.

Recently I spent time researching and gathering information on a health issue for a loved one. While it is useful to have information at our fingertips, it can also be overwhelming when weighing options.

The more I read,the more I realized what was truly needed was a method of filtering all the information. What information was most helpful and important at this time? Which resonated and was in agreement with paths previously taken?

We need a method of filtering current events as well. Which voices are we going to listen and give our attention?

Perhaps the better question we need to ask is – how are we going to filter out or turn our attention from those voices which aren’t wise, or don’t matter?

The volume of the voice does not mean it is more credible or wise. We need to push through the minutiae and only heed what is truth.

We need to filter the information, the voices, and the current events through Scripture.

But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable,
full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy.”

James 3:17, NASB)

The verse has been before me for a few days. I kept turning to read the words over and over, until I finally realized what it was I needed to learn.

Wisdom has a voice.

Wisdom is pure, godly, considerate, gentle, peace-loving. It will be reasonable in conversation. Compassionate to others. It doesn’t waver in its thoughts because they are founded on truth. Wisdom is sincere and always bears good fruit and a good outcome.

It is necessary to filter out the voices of information.
Wisdom has a voice, and
it is the voice of Jesus.



How do you filter out unwise voices from your life?


Image by Studio_Iris from Pixabay



1 comment:

  1. That's a wonderful question about filtering out. I am a huge proponent of fact checking and often do that regularly. As for medical, I am prone to googling -- and often sorry I did. So now I try to narrow it down only for basic information and hit what I find as respectable sources, like Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic. (And stay out of chat rooms!)


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