Saturday, July 20, 2024

Why Join a Ministry?

 By: Grace Metzger

Someone will save, "You have faith and I have works." Show me
 your faith without works and I will show you faith by my works.
James 2:18 CSB

Ministry has always been a big part of my life and my family while growing up. My parents were children’s pastors and my dad was an associate pastor. I began serving in the nursery and toddler class when I was only 10 years old. Every person in my family served in some form of ministry.

As a child, I loved being in ministry. I felt so adult-like being able to serve in my church. But as years went on and I continued to participate in different ways, I found that I lost focus of reason that I even did it in the first place.

Ministry became something that I did just because it was something I’ve always done. I didn’t question participating because I’ve always just worked with my church.

As I got older, I started looking more and more behind the reasons I do things. I think everything we do should have a purpose behind why we do it. So I started asking myself if my reasons for serving in ministry point to God? Am I doing this for God or am I doing this for man?

Is your reason to go and make disciples of all nations? Is your reason to glorify God? Or is your reason to be on stage in front of everyone? Or is it so you can snuggle baby rather than listen to a sermon?

I think that’s a very hard question for people to ask themselves, but it’s an important one. You need to know why you’re doing it. Every ministry is a chance to grow closer to God and share the Gospel of Jesus.

You might ask how does scrubbing in the bathroom or running a church coffee house point anyone closer to God, but all ministries are vital to the church. Every ministry matters. You can pray over the church as you mop the floors, you can be the first smile someone sees as they fill their coffee cup, you can care for a child so the parents are able to worship without distraction. Every ministry matters.

Ministry is incredibly important. I’ve always encouraged anyone who is interested in joining a ministry to join one. We are called to serve and when we do, we are obeying. And when we obey, we grow closer to God.

Ministry can be hard. Sometimes listening to a child cry while you’re trying to teach him about the Bible or children running around while you’re trying to begin a craft isn’t easy, but if you delight in the Lord, you will see and feel so much joy and helping out your church will become a joyful experience.

Whether you already serve in ministry or you are ready to begin, ask yourself, am I doing this for God or am I doing this for man? Once you learned to turn your attention towards God rather than towards man, you’ll find a new joy in ministry. 

Discussion Questions: 

1.) What ministry are you currently in?

2.) Is there a specific ministry that God's been putting on your heart?

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