Wednesday, July 24, 2024

When Your Child Doesn't Believe in God

By: Jenifer Metzger

Recently a friend asked me to join her in prayer. Her child informed her that he didn't believe in God. Nothing breaks a mama's heart more than when her child says they don't believe in God. We fear what it means for their life now, and we deeply fear what it means for their eternity.

I have no greater joy than this: to
hear that my children are walking in truth.
3 John 1:4 CSB

I think we can all agree that we greatly desire for our children to walk in truth and to know Truth. So what can we do when our child doesn't believe in God?

What to do when your child doesn't believe in God. #family #parenting #parenthood #motherhood #believeinGod #relationships

Hit your knees! Nothing in this world is more powerful than prayer. Mama, I know you've been praying, but keep on praying. Never stop. Never grow weary of praying for your child. Cover your child in prayer every single day and all throughout the day. Get your anointing oil out and pray over things your child touches. Ask God that your child would feel the power of God as he touches those items. Just pray!

I prayed for this child, and the Lord
has granted me what I asked of Him.
1 Samuel 1:27 CSB

I know this verse in 1 Samuel is about Hannah having asked the Lord for a child. But we are going to shift here and just see that she prayed. Hannah was a praying mama even before her child was in her womb!

Lead by example. Whether we realize it or not, whether we like it or not, our children are watching us. They see everything we do and hear everything we say. One of the biggest ways you can lead your child to Christ is by living for Him in a way that would make your child want to live for Him too.

Not lording it over those entrusted to
you, but being examples to the flock.
1 Peter 5:3 CSB

Pray over outside influences and be careful what and who you allow to influence your child. It is impossible to protect our kids from every little thing. Minus putting them in a bubble and keeping them locked indoors, they will be influenced by the outside world. Pray that God would protect your child from negative and evil influences. Monitor what they watch on tv, read, listen to, friends they hang out with, etc. If you feel it is an influence they do not need, do not be afraid to say no. When they see or hear something that is a negative influence, use it as a teachable moment. Talk to them about it, see how they feel about it, and pray together about it.

But the Lord is faithful; He will strengthen
you and guard you from the evil one.
2 Thessalonians 3:3 CSB

Keep communication open. Talk openly and honestly with your kids. Don't just talk at them, but with them. Give your child a chance to voice his opinions and work through them while you listen carefully. Then always go back to the Bible. Always point them to Scripture.

I want their hearts to be encouraged and
joined together in love, so that they may have
all the riches of complete understanding and
have the knowledge of God’s mystery—Christ.
Colossians 2:2 CSB

Friends, if your child -young, teen, or adult- has walked away from God or doesn't believe in God, don't lose hope. Keep on keeping on. Continue to pray and live for God. Let your child see you living the life God calls us to live. Remember that the Word says to train up a child.

Start a youth out on his way; even when
he grows old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 CSB

If this is where your child is right now, leave a comment or email me. I would love to pray for you and your child.

1. Has your child ever claimed they don't believe in God or maybe they are questioning their belief? What was your reaction?
2. What is another thing you can think of that we should do if our child claims they don't believe in God?

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