Monday, July 8, 2024

GPS & Guidance

By: Joanne Viola

I am a GPS person. Perhaps you are as well. Let me explain.

When going to a new place, unsure of where to go, it brings me both peace and comfort to hear my GPS system talking to me as I go along.

She knows exactly where I am to turn, how far of a distance I need to drive till the next direction, and she keeps me on the correct road.

But there is nothing more comforting than when I hear her say, “You have arrived. Your destination is ahead on the left.”

It is then I breathe a sigh of relief for I have arrived without taking a wrong turn, without getting lost, and without having to figure out how to get back on track.

Life doesn’t work in the same manner though. We plan and make decisions hoping for a good outcome. We don’t always know immediately that we have gone the right path and have arrived.

We have been given God’s Word, and His Spirit, to provide wisdom and guidance as we travel through life.

He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.”
(Psalm 23:3, NASB)

As we travel the winding roads which take us through the hills and valleys of life, we have the assurance of His Presence with us. He goes before us leading the way, providing His protection, and correcting us when we take a wrong turn.

“Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we will be.
We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is.”
(1 John 3:2, NASB)

 As we accept, and submit, to His guidance, God is at work in our lives. He is molding us to make us more like Him. Every twist and bend in the road is bringing us closer to our destination.

Keep going,
following Jesus as He guides you,
until you one day hear, “You have arrived at your destination.”



In what area of life are you in need of guidance today? How do you let God lead you?


Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful message Joanne & I love the challenge at the end.
    Blessings, Jennifer


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