Sunday, July 28, 2024

From Sunday School Scares to Powerful Truths


But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt. Genesis 19:26— NIV

Many of us carry vivid memories from Sunday School. Some evoke warmth and joy, while others, like mine, were a bit terrifying. The story of Lot’s wife turning into a pillar of salt in Genesis 19:26 stands out as one of those formative, fear-inducing tales. Clinging to the image of a 4 or 5-year-old me, petrified of being transformed into a salty statue for bad behavior, makes me smile (nervously) even now. This childhood fear, while powerful, wasn’t quite the lesson God intended.

Growing with Scripture: From Sunday School Scares to Powerful Truths

The beauty of scripture is that its wisdom unfolds as we do. As children, stories like Lot’s Wife function as cautionary tales, simple yet impactful. But as adults, we can delve deeper, uncovering layers of meaning and profound lessons. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah wasn’t just a consequence of a single curious glance back. It represented the complete moral decay of a society, a place where sin ran rampant and God’s presence was unwelcome. In her act of looking back, Lot’s wife displayed a longing for that old life, a city devoid of God’s grace.

Letting Go: The Importance of Moving Forward

So, what can we learn from this story beyond the surface-level fear of looking back? The key takeaway isn’t simply about avoiding a glance towards the past. It’s about actively letting go of the past, the sinful ways that may have trapped us, and embracing the path God has set before us. Sometimes, like Lot’s wife, we might be tempted to look back with a sense of nostalgia for the familiar, even if it wasn’t truly good for us. We crave the comfort of what we know, even if it means turning away from a brighter future. But God calls us to move forward, to keep our eyes fixed on Him and the promises He holds.

A Reminder of Judgment and Mercy

The story of Lot’s wife serves as a powerful reminder of God’s judgment. He is a just God, and sin has consequences. Yet, the story is also a testament to His mercy. He saved Lot and his family, offering them a chance at a new life. He offers us salvation, too, but it requires us to fully commit and walk away from the darkness.

Living the Lesson: Putting Faith into Action

Here’s how we can apply this lesson to our daily lives:

Self-reflection: Reflect on areas where you might be clinging to the past or sinful habits.

Embrace change: Change can be scary, but trusting in God’s plan allows us to move forward with courage and hope.

Focus on God’s promises: Seek solace and strength in the promises God has laid out in scripture.

Seek God’s guidance: Pray for the wisdom and discernment to make choices that align with God’s will.

Let’s Reflect: A Continuous Journey

The story of Lot’s wife is a powerful reminder that our faith is a continuous journey. There will be moments of doubt and temptation to look back. But by embracing God’s grace, actively letting go of the past, and keeping our eyes fixed on Him, we can move forward confidently, knowing He guides our steps toward a brighter future.

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