Friday, July 12, 2024

Comparison, FOMO, and Discontentment

 By: Lauren Thomas

What do comparison, FOMO, and discontentment have in common?


You’re scrolling on social media, comparing yourself to celebrities and influencers. You have major FOMO when you see posts of friends and their perfect summers. You feel discontentment when you think about what a great [fill in the blank] your friend has.


Comparison, FOMO, and discontentment are all socially acceptable names for something that is unacceptable to God.




We don’t hear that word often, do we?


“You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's.”

Exodus 20:17 ESV


The tenth commandment deals with coveting. But this commandment seems to get the least attention.


Jesus tells us in Luke 12:5 to guard against covetousness and reminds us that life is more than possessions. Colossians 3:5 goes so far as to call covetousness idolatry, while exhorting us to put it to death!


Coveting is a very real temptation, but we can do something about it!


Action steps for overcoming covetousness (also known as jealousy or envy):

  1. Repent. Confess your sin to Jesus and turn from it. See 1 John 1:9.
  2. Practice gratitude. When you begin to feel jealous, list all the things in your life that deserve your gratitude.
  3. Celebrate the person or the thing that you are tempted to envy. Romans 13:9 says that the tenth commandment and others are summed up in this one commandment: love your neighbor as yourself. Are we loving our neighbor if we envy her? Compliment her. Express excitement for her blessings. Congratulate her wins.
  4. Steward what you have. The grass isn’t greener on the other side, it’s greener where you water it. Do you feel jealous of your friend’s big, new house? Clean yours. Organize yours. Take care of what’s yours and watch it begin to flourish.

Covetousness is a sin acceptable in the world, but let’s not let it be part of our Christian communities. Let’s put it do death as we practice repentance, gratitude, celebration, and stewardship.



When was the last time you felt envy/jealousy? How often do you experience these emotions? What can you do to change that? Which of the above action steps will you try next time you are tempted to covet?

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