Thursday, July 18, 2024

A Morning's Welcome


By: Donna Bucher

Long one of my favorite flowers, their location in one of my front gardens sends me on my way in the morning; and welcomes me home at day’s end.

Cheerful and unassuming, they whisper the ease of embracing the morning, with innocent hope for the day. Even on the cloudiest of days, their sunny personalities never fail in bringing a smile to my lips.


Noticing the changes within the garden at various times of day, reminds me of the vibrancy and uniqueness of the plants and flowers. Far from static ornaments, the plants of the garden share a secret life we rarely observe.

Endowed with characteristics reflecting their Creator, each plant and flower moves through the day proclaiming His glory and beauty to every eye poised to see.

More than embracing a new day, the daisy’s slender petals open with the sunrise in a symphony of praise, embracing the morning with a greeting of pure Joy. Their golden stamen reflecting the glory of the sun, until their petals once again close with the sunset.


Daisies long associated with the innocence of new birth, fascinate me with their delicate opening with the promise of morning. But they charm me even more as they, like the sunflower,follow the sun from east to west each day.

As if embedded in their DNA, a daisy never fails in following the sun from sunrise to sunset, even on the cloudiest of days.

Upon reflection, I sit humbled at the tireless position of praise upheld by daisy petals throughout each day. Unaffected by circumstance, weather or whim, the daisy’s gaze remains upward.

Lingering with the garden hose in hand, I marveled at the quiet simplicity of the lessons spoken by the daisies. What might embracing the morning with the daisies encompass?

Even more, what might an unwavering gaze upon my Creator produce in my life?


Embrace. As the daisy opens wide to embrace the morning, instead of rushing into my day, or dreading what awaits, I might open my hands in welcome praise. Anticipating God’s goodness in my day. (Psalm59:16)

Receive. In the same way the daisy represents new beginnings and innocence, may I receive God’s gift of a new day. Pure and full of His new mercies, I enter the day with a mind free of judgement, completely forgiven before God. (Lamentations 3:22-23)

Nurture. Following the daisy’s example of steadfastly attending the sun’s light throughout the day; nurturing my focus godward maintains a proper perspective on the events of my day. Birthing an attitude of praise which extends from sunrise to sunset. (Psalm 113:3)

Reflect. At day’s end, when the daisy gently closes in rest at the setting of the sun, may I redeem a time of quiet reflection in the Presence of God. Lingering over His absolute goodness and savoring the times I heard Him speak. Ultimately resting in His secure peace and promise of unfailing love. (Psalm 4:8Psalm 143:8)

One of the least pretentious flowers in my garden, the daisy gifted me the simple grace of embracing the morning as it is, a miracle gift from God.

But beyond receiving each day with eager anticipation of God’s goodness, the gentle daisy reminded me of God’s new mercies and faithfulness emerging with each sunrise. Calling me to gaze upon His goodness throughout my days, filling my moments with praise and gratitude.

Closing each day, embracing the fullness of God’s peace in rest, holding the promise that word of His unfailing love will greet me again with the next sunrise.


How has the lesson of the daisy impacted you today?

Which of the four postures represented by the daisy speaks to you the most?

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