Thursday, July 11, 2024

A Light for the Darkest Times


By: Donna Bucher

My most recent fascination holds me captive at dusk. Sweet childhood memories delightfully dance across my mind’s eye as the fireflies gaily float across the lawn.

Lately returned to our area after several years absence, they offered more than reminiscent delight. Visible only as darkness approaches, their light speaks a truth needful for today: that of shining a light in the darkest of times.

Though enjoying all times in the garden, my two favorite times are early morning and dusk.

Completely diverse experiences, yet full of the Creator’s revelations of himself. Encountering the fireflies after so long a hiatus, moved me to lean in closer for the whisper of God in these fascinating creatures.

Like heavenly glitter sprinkled over the whole of the garden, the fireflies invite us into a crescendo of light proclaiming the true Light which darkness cannot overcome.

Standing mesmerized, I pondered the significance of the return of the fireflies just now, when the world seems darker and darker with each passing day.

Fireflies delight adults and children alike, with their innate ability of shining a light. memories of chasing fireflies of a summer’s eve or catching them in jars fill my mind each time I see them.

Fireflies are tiny messengers whispering Hope in the dark

Most astonishing to me, came in a curious fact which states fireflies produce the most efficient light. An incandescent light bulb radiates 90% of its energy as heat, with only 10% as light. Which we know by touching a light bulb lit for any length of time!

Of course, if a firefly produced light in the same manner, it would incinerate.

God created the firefly to create light through an unreplicable chemical process allowing them to glow without heat, resulting in 100% of their energy producing light.

As my curious mind further grasped the unique characteristics of the firefly, God began revealing His design in creating me for the unique purpose of shining a light in the darkness too.

John opens his gospel with two metaphors for Jesus; one is the Word, which became flesh and dwelt among us, (John1:14) and the other is Light; in Jesus abides eternal life which is the light of men. (John 1:4)

As the redeemed, we have the Light of the world dwelling within us, which is not only our gift, but a gift to others.

A true Light meant to shine the love and hope in all darkness as encouragement to one another and as an invitation to those trapped in darkness.

Jesus, the Light of the world in whom there is no darkness at all, (1 John 1:4-5) not only defeats darkness but ensures the dark forces of sin and evil are powerless to apprehend Him or His own.

As a result, with His Light shining in and through us, no sin and evil can ultimately destroy or apprehend us. God sends us to the darkest places as lights of hope communicating truth in a perverse world.

Spending time with my little firefly friends reminded me my light shines brighter in darkness and I must take every opportunity for shining a light into the world around me.

Shining uniquely.  God gifted me with unique spiritual gifts meant for ministering both to the brethren and to unbelievers.

Shining in word.  I must shine my own light in words of hope, truth, and righteousness both to the brethren as encouragement in dark times and as an invitation to light for those in darkness.

Shining the way.  I must shine my light in the world’s darkness for other believers to find their way to fellowship and comfort, and for lost ones to find their way out of the darkness.

Watching the glittering light all over my backyard garden and woods filled with fireflies, brings beauty as darkness descends.

Though our world grows darker bound in sin, evil, suffering, brokenness, selfishness, natural disaster, and escalating illness, may we cease not to shine brighter and brighter.

Faithful in shining a light of compassion, with words of comfort and encouragement; lighting the way through the darkness to the true Hope and Light.



In what way can you shine your light to combat the darkness? 

What one thing can you do today to be a faithful light for the gospel?




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