Thursday, June 20, 2024

Cultivating a Joy-Filled Home


By: Donna Bucher

As women, we influence the atmosphere of our homes, and cultivating a joy-filled home provides a welcoming experience for everyone, fostering more energy, creativity, and security.

A joyful home reflects the Fruit of the Spirit at work in every member of the family.

Considering the components of a joyful home, the presence of Joy includes the presence of love, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, self-control, and meekness. A joyful home exhibits God’s character fully through the Fruit of the Spirit.

You make known to me the path of life;  in your presence there is fullness of joy;  at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.


Psalm 16:11


Joy flows from the inside out. Cultivating a joy-filled home first involves filling your heart with the Joy of the Lord.

Draw near to God. Seek the fullness of Joy in God’s Presence daily. Journal the ways He reveals Joy to you each day.

Ask for Joy. God desires that our Joy be full. (John 15:11John 15:11) Ask Him to increase your Joy, to supply the lack of Joy you feel.

Practice gratitude. Nothing ignites Joy more than gratitude. Need more Joy? celebrate God’s goodness in all you have.

Worship God. Sing praises to the Most High God-create a Joy Playlist.

Be intentional about the things displayed around your home; keep only those things which provide joyful memories, inspiration, and well-being.

Declutter. Before you can add or rearrange your surroundings-declutter. Mental Health experts agree, clutter not only causes anxiety, but sabotages peace. Store, donate, or trash items no longer used, or which contribute nothing to joyful surroundings.

Discard items from the painful past. Photographs and decor evoke emotion. Once I removed items from my past, I was amazed at the improvement in my mental and emotional health. While painful to discard old photos or items, think of the daily pain you inflict by keeping them.

Display joy provoking decor. Whether you collect items, or simply enjoy seeing certain colors, art, memorabilia, or quirky antiques; display decor which makes you smile.

Display inspirational decor. Word decor is popular: plaques large and small, chalkboards, quote exhibiting art, all contribute to joy.

Delight in nature. Creation shows forth God’s glory, reminding us of His Presence. Fresh flowers and houseplants provide an easy way for bringing nature indoors. But seashell collections, leaf artwork, pinecones, and rocks add beautiful decor accents. And nothing beats natural light-remove heavy draperies and let the sun shine!

The method with which we engage family, friends, even strangers, who visit our homes impacts the level of Joy within our homes.

Love intentionally. Where Joy lives, you also find kindness, gentleness, patience, and love. Love well, love big. Speak words of love to each other often. Demonstrate love through acts of kindness and service.

Laugh luxuriantly. Joy becomes contagious amid laughter. I love to laugh, but I grew up in a home where laughter was viewed as silly nonsense. Laughter shared creates a bond of Joy.

Live spontaneously. Celebrate the mundane moments, picnic on the floor or in the backyard, have movie night on Monday instead of Friday. Dance in the kitchen after school and take time for impromptu conversations. Life happens in the in-between.

Linger in the Presence of God. Ponder or memorize Bible verses together, share the attributes of God you find in your days, or stargaze one evening.

Cultivating a joy-filled home breathes life into every member of the family. Providing a haven from the hard and unkind of daily life, it speaks the language of love, laughter, and service. Offering joy-filled memories, and a soothing sanctuary filled with inspiration and the glories of creation.

Crowned with the pursuit of the One and only source of all true Joy, honoring His Presence brings Joy home to our hearts. I would love to hear how you are cultivating a joy-filled home in comments!


How would you rate the “Joy level” of your home?

Which one category above would be a good place to start cultivating your joy-filled home?




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