Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Becoming a Woman of Prayer

By: Jenifer Metzger

Is prayer your first priority or last resort?

When times of crisis come, is prayer your first priority or last resort?
When times of anxiousness or sadness come, is prayer your first priority or last resort?
When times of famine come, is prayer your first priority or last resort?
When times of plenty come, is prayer your first priority or last resort?
When times of joy come, is prayer your first priority or last resort?

It can be easy in the hard times to default to worry, doubt, and fear; it can be easy to run to others for comfort, advice, or a shoulder to cry on; then sometimes we even turn inward, shutting the world out. Yet, in these times, we should make prayer our first priority. Always turning to God first.

Becoming a woman of prayer #prayer #pray #prayingwoman #womanofprayer

It can be easy in the good times to celebrate or feel pride; it can also be easy to run to others to share our accomplishments or seek a pat on the back. Yet, like in the hard times, we should prayer our first priority. Always giving thanks and praise to God first.

Nehemiah knew the power and importance of prayer. As soon as he heard that Jerusalem's walls had been broken down and the gates burned, he immediately went to the Lord in prayer.

When I heard these words, I sat down and
wept. I mourned for a number of days, fasting
and praying before the God of the heavens.
Nehemiah 1:4 CSB

When the king asked Nehemiah what was wrong with him, Nehemiah prayed before answering.

Then the king asked me, “What is your request?”
So I prayed to the God of the heavens.
Nehemiah 2:4 CSB

As Nehemiah and his men were rebuilding the wall, their enemies came to attack and Nehemiah went to prayer. He trusted God would take care of them, and He did.

So we prayed to our God and stationed
a guard because of them day and night.
Nehemiah 4:9 CSB

Over and over again we see Nehemiah turning to God in prayer. He didn't wait to try his own way first. He didn't just let things play out and see what happens. He prayed.

To become a woman of prayer, we need to make prayer our default response. Before seeking advice from others, before talking about it online, before trying to figure out what to do, before letting worry and fear take root, we need to pray and seek God. Before celebrating, before hoping for a pat on the back from others, before letting pride well up within us, we need to pray and give thanks to God. We can't be a woman of prayer if prayer is our last resort.

No matter what you face, good or bad, pray. Be a woman of prayer and let prayer be your first priority no matter what the circumstance may be.

1. Is prayer your default response or more of a last resort? Be honest with yourself, that is how you will find growth.
2. What can you do to remind yourself to always make prayer your first priority, your default response?

1 comment:

  1. This is very good and honestly something I am working on! I want prayer to be my first response to all! Thank you for all your blog posts!


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