Friday, June 14, 2024

A New Algorithm: Scripture Memorization

By: Lauren Thomas

Why memorize Scripture? 

Algorithms decide what content we are fed on social media. Influencers tell us what products to consume. If we are passive, we run the risk of our preferences and decisions being made for us. We run the risk of conforming to the world.


It’s time for a new algorithm. It’s time for a new influence.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:2 ESV

Romans 12:2 tells us to not be conformed to the patterns of the world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. It goes on to explain that this results in discerning the very will of God.


One of the best ways to do this is through Scripture memorization. When we make time and space to memorize Scripture, we honor God and fill our minds with his Word.


By memorizing Scripture, we are pushing back against the patterns of the world. By memorizing Scripture, we are transformed. By memorizing Scripture, we renew our minds. By memorizing Scripture, we come to know what God thinks about things.


Scripture becomes our algorithm. God becomes our influencer.


Here are some top strategies for memorizing Scripture:

  • Select a passage
  • Break it into manageable chunks. For instance, if you are memorizing a single verse, focus on memorizing one phrase at a time. Or, if you are memorizing a longer passage, decided how many verses you want to cover in a week.
  • Write it out. The physical act of writing the verse will help your brain retain better. Write it again and again.
  • Keep it posted somewhere you will see it frequently: on the fridge, on the bathroom mirror, on your phone/computer wallpaper. Carry it around on 3x5 notecards.
  • Read the passage daily.
  • Listen to the passage frequently. Use voice memos on your phone to record yourself reading the verse(s). Listen over and over again. Or, listen to the passage being read in a Bible app.
  • Ask a friend to help! Ask them to listen to you recite and help you on challenging sections.
  • Enlist competition! Make it competitive by challenging friends to memorize with you. You can encourage or commiserate together.
  • Make up motions, songs, or use mnemonics (memory devices/tricks)


Some things to remember:

  • Use the strategies that help YOU!
  • Memorization is a muscle. Exercise it and it will get stronger! You can start at ANY age.
  • The goal is not perfection. The goal is to get God’s word into your heart and to transform your mind.
When was the last time you memorized a Bible verse? What is the longest passage you've memorized? I recently challenged myself to memorize all of Hebrews 11. It is 40 verses long. I'm a bit over halfway done and it has taken me 4 weeks. I'm okay with that! I'm proud of it. I love the way this passage encourages me every time I practice it. I challenge you to memorize something from the Bible. In the comments, drop a Scripture reference that you either are memorizing now or plan to memorize after reading this post.

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