Wednesday, June 19, 2024

8 Ways to Enjoy Summer

By: Jenifer Metzger

There is an occasion for everything,
and a time for every activity under heaven:
a time to give birth and a time to die;
a time to plant and a time to uproot;
a time to kill and a time to heal;
a time to tear down and a time to build;
a time to weep and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn and a time to dance;
a time to throw stones and a time to gather stones;
|a time to embrace and a time to avoid embracing;
a time to search and a time to count as lost;
a time to keep and a time to throw away;
a time to tear and a time to sew;
a time to be silent and a time to speak;
a time to love and a time to hate;
a time for war and a time for peace.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

As children, we spend all winter anxiously awaiting summer. A time when we can enjoy a more relaxed schedule, poolside days, visits from the ice cream truck, endless hours playing outside, and longer days. Summer seemed glorious.

Now as adults, we know that just because the calendar indicates it's summertime, the work doesn't stop. In fact, when we have school age kids on summer break, the work load may even grow. And the summer heat that doesn't seem to affect us as children, often seems unbearable as adults.

8 Ways to Enjoy Summer #summer #summertime

Summer is a gift from God, but it's a gift that goes quickly. If we aren't careful, we can come to the end and wonder where our summer went. So how can we bring back the child-like wonder of summer? How can we truly enjoy our summer?

Don't sleep the summer away. It can be so tempting to sleep the days away. After all, we are utterly exhausted so why not sleep all morning? Sleeping in a little is great, but instead of sleeping all morning, just add an extra hour of sleep. If you normally get up at six, get up at seven. The extra sleep will feel great while still allowing you plenty of time to get your work done and enjoy your summer.

Get to know the neighbors. Summer is such a great time to get to know your neighbors. We recently moved and because we are in the summer months, all the neighbors are always outside. We have gotten to know so many great people just by stopping to say hi. If you see your neighbors outside, walk over and make conversation.

Plan a neighborhood BBQ or picnic. While we're talking about neighbors, plan a neighborhood BBQ or picnic. Everyone can bring enough food for their family so you are not financially responsible for everyone. Set up some outdoor games like corn hole or volleyball, and maybe a sprinkler for the kids. Invite all the neighbors over for an evening of food, fun, and fellowship.

Read a good book. There is nothing like enjoying a good book in the summer! Sitting with a lemonade on the deck while the kids play, sitting poolside while the kids splash around, or even enjoying the air conditioning with a book in hand. One of my favorite authors is Denise Hunter. Her novels are Christian faith based so they are clean while still sharing a great story line.

Go fruit picking. Fall is such a great time for apple picking and pumpkin patches. But summer can be just as fun. Do a quick google search to find a local farm to go fruit picking. You will enjoy an outing and there is nothing better than fresh berries!

Late night ice cream drives. When our kids were little, and even still today just my husband and I, we loved to go on late night ice cream drives. After the kids had their baths and were dressed for bed, we'd jump in the car, go through a drive through for small ice cream cones, and drive around the local lake. It's a nice treat to end the day.

Plan, but don't over plan. Plan some fun summer time activities like pool days, park days, a visit to the local zoo, fruit picking, kids' sporting evenings, and a neighborhood BBQ, but don't over plan. Leave room for relaxing. For kids to just be kids and play. For doing a project around the house. For building relationships. An over planned summer is an exhausted summer.

Get fresh air in the evening. Longer days mean our evenings are still light. My husband and I have been loving sitting on the deck after dinner and just enjoying the quiet evening and fresh air. No TV, no phones, no work. Just the dogs running around the yard, the cicadas chirping, the wind blowing, and conversation. Fresh evening air is the perfect end to the day.

Don't let summer pass you by. Enjoy the season God has given us.

1. How are you intentional with enjoying your summer?
2. What is your favorite summer activity?


  1. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog! I do love summer! Tomorrow we are going to the beach (1 hour away), we too love sitting out on the deck later in the evening. Many nights we have a 7:00 pm dinner on the deck- just the two of us! I walk very early in the morning for an hour and enjoy nature with all its flowers, birds and little creatures.

  2. Summer is one of my favorite seasons. I love going to the beach, bbq's, eating summer fruits, ice cream, gardening, and reading a good book. Thanks for the blog visit and I hope you have a nice summer.


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