Monday, May 20, 2024

Draw Near to God

 By: Joanne Viola


There are days in life we hear of situations which seem to be hopeless. We may not necessarily know this to be the truth. Yet due to appearances we believe it may just very well be true.

The disciples are walking on the road to the village of Emmaus. As they walk, they talk about the events of the last few days and there was plenty to talk about since Jesus had been crucified.

It was while they were walking and talking that something occurred.

While they were talking and discussing,
Jesus Himself approached and began traveling with them.

But their eyes were prevented from recognizing Him.”

(Luke 24:15-16, NASB)

Jesus approached them and began to travel with them. He walked alongside of them. They did not know it was Jesus, but He knew who they were and knew they were His. His disciples.

When they were downhearted, despairing, thinking it was the end of their time with Jesus for He had been crucified, Jesus draws near to them.

And He does the same for us today.

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
(James 4:8, NASB)

God in His grace and mercy draws near to us as we draw near to Him.

Looking more closely at this Scripture, I discovered for God to come close to me is dependent upon my coming close to Him. There is a reciprocal action which takes place.

We need a whole heart, or to be wholehearted, our loyalty undivided. Beginning each day with God on the pages of His Word, reading a devotional, and prayer is one way to align our souls with God. It’s an exercise of faith which says, “I’m drawing close to You, as I desire for You to come close to me.”

Coming close to God also is an expression of childlike faith. Much the way a child draws near to a parent for strength, comfort, and provision, we come close to God, our Father.

Let’s return to the disciples on the road to Emmaus. They did not realize it was He, Jesus, walking with them. It was as they approached their destination, they invited Him to stay with them.

They sat down at a table to eat. It was as Jesus took the bread, blessed and broke it to disperse it, that their eyes were opened. They knew it was Him. They then understood all He had been telling them.

They suddenly were filled with faith and hope for the days ahead. They came to realize the Cross was not the end of their relationship with Jesus. It was only the beginning.

May those hard and discouraging situations cause us to draw near to God. May we keep our eyes focused and fixed on the One who alone is able to turn our situations around.

Therefore He is able also to save forever
those who draw near to God through Him,
since He always lives to make intercession for them.”

(Hebrews 7:25, NASB)

Draw near to God.
Let Him draw near to you,
and walk with you through all your days.


What keeps you from drawing near to God? Is there a situation for which your eyes need to be opened, and your heart filled with a renewed hope?


Image by Adam Tumidajewicz from Pixabay


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