Thursday, April 11, 2024

Sowing Seeds of Faith


By: Donna Bucher

The art of welcoming spring is the enjoyment of watching new growth emerge through the soil, leaves budding on trees and shrubs, and flowers unfolding.

Contemplating spring’s call for renewal, planting and growth, brought to mind another type of sowing. That of sowing seeds of faith, both in our own lives and in the lives of others. Can we ever have enough faith?

Romans 10:17 reminds us faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Sowing seeds of faith whether in our own lives or the lives of others requires preparation, cultivation, and adversity.

Preparation. We must prepare the soil of our heart for the seeds of faith to grow. “Reading” the instructions in God’s Word and hiding the Word in our heart through memorization. The “weeds” of sinful desires and worldly worries must be removed, or the seeds of faith cannot grow. (Matthew 13:22-23)

Cultivation. Nurturing the seeds of faith involves watering the seed regularly with the Word of God, feeding the seed with gratitude and protecting the seed through obedience to God.

Adversity. Submitting to adversity strengthens our faith. Adversity builds resilience, trust, and confidence in God. Romans 5:3-5 encourages us with the patience and hope secured through tribulation.

We not only receive and cultivate seeds of faith in our own lives, but God desires we also sow seeds of faith in the lives of others. As Paul points out in 1 Corinthians 3:6-7, we must remember we sow, but God gives the growth.

Prayerful Preparation. Prayerful preparation helps awaken our sensitivity to the needs of others. It also helps us avoid impure motives and “fear of man”. At times we focus too much on our own concept of what faith should look like in the lives of family or friends, hastily planting seeds of faith. Other times, we care more about our earthly relationship with someone than whether they join us in heaven, avoiding the sowing of seeds.

Careful Cultivation. Sensitivity and diligence in understanding the needs of others aids our efforts in the best manner of cultivating seeds of faith planted in the lives of those we love. Everyone “grows” at different rates and in different ways. Cultivating the seeds of faith in a child is diverse from that of a teen or older adult.

Intentional Influence. Influence presents the best method for nurturing seeds of faith in others. Living your faith out before friends and family encourages others going through adversity.

Privileged as sowers of the seeds of faith both in our own lives and the lives of others, ultimately God brings the growth. At times He steps into our lives and bolsters our faith with a promise from His Word.

Most often, He chooses to strengthen our faith through others. In Luke 22:31-32, Jesus warns Peter of satan’s “sifting”; while at the same time assuring Peter of His prayers for Peter’s faith to remain strong.

He further tells Peter after his trial of faith he is to strengthen his brothers.

All the disciples experienced a crisis of faith with Christ’s execution; did Christ pray for them? Without a doubt He did.

But it was for Peter Jesus asked the Father for specific strength regarding his faith.

Satan’s sifting of Peter broke his pride and self-reliance, which after his restoration allowed God to use Peter to strengthen the others.

Jesus provided for the others by providing for Peter.

May we be ready to sow seeds of faith so that as God strengthens us, we may also strengthen others with the comfort of knowing in Christ our faith cannot fail.


How are you sowing seeds of faith in your own life?

How are you sowing seeds of faith in the lives of others?



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1 comment:

  1. "Jesus warns Peter of satan’s “sifting”; while at the same time assuring Peter of His prayers for Peter’s faith to remain strong. " This was so assuring and comforting to me this morning. We need to sow seeds of faith into one another so that we all remain strong in our faith. Thank you for always sharing your insights in the most gentlest of ways. May the seeds you sow strengthen many!


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