Thursday, April 18, 2024

Hope Hidden in the Rain


By: Donna Bucher

Feeling the shadow drift over my mood at yet another rainy weekend forecast; my thoughts turn back to the messages on my desk. Sorting through the messages, I glanced up at a photo of my two-year old granddaughter in her raincoat, boots, and umbrella. Dancing in the rain, her smile spoke of sheer delight. Somehow, when we grow up, we no longer see the hope held in the renewal of rain.

Glancing back at the photo of my granddaughter, I realized no memories of rainy-day fun flooded my mind from my own childhood.

Memories of spoiled outings and vacations, however, came to mind along with angry punishments for getting wet on the walk home from school.

Rather than any hope held in the renewal of rain, I found only a renewal of old sorrow. When faced with a rainy day, I knew the tears of old wounds hastily covered would pour forth from deep inside.

Until recently, finding the hope hidden in the rain seemed foreign to me. What hope did tears hold?

Yet he has not left himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.


Acts 14:17


Pondering the beauty bursting forth in my garden after several days of spring rain, began a journey of discovery.

The abundance of overnight growth and the fresh, clean air all came after the rain. Slowly, my heart opened for a second look at the renewing power of heaven’s rains.

As with many things deemed “unpleasant”, our rigid mindsets shutter the possibilities for new perspectives and prosperous change.

Choosing a reflective posture of mindfulness on the next rainy day helped me uncover the hope hidden in the rain. If you struggle with the gloom, despair, and sadness of rainy days, try the mindfulness activity below for help with acceptance, peace, and hope.

Invite the Rain

Listen or watch the falling rain without negative judgement. Notice how the raindrops slide down the window glass. Watch the rain on the sidewalk, deck, or driveway. Observe how it flows along the ground or puddles.

Reflect: The rain comes not to drown you in sorrows, soak you in sadness or overwhelm you with despair. God sends the rain for cleansing, for growth, and for refreshing nourishment.

Respond: Ask God to reveal areas in need of cleansing, growth, and nourishment in your life. If you enjoy journaling, write about what impresses your heart.

Receive the Rain

As you watch and listen to the rain, consider how nature ebbs and flows just like the rain. Ponder how light gently breaks the darkness and day leisurely fades into night. Linger with the contemplation of dry places receiving times of refreshment; and painful places tumbling into joy.

Reflect: Resting in acceptance of the rain allows you a vision into its intrinsic dance within nature. All of creation praises the Creator through fulfillment of its purpose. Savor the gentle essence of the rain as it weaves in and out of nature.

Respond: Ask God to reveal any areas of your life where you feel stuck, where things are not flowing gently and smoothly. Consider any areas where you feel rigid or gripping things too tightly.

Rejoice in the Rain

Enjoying the sights and sounds of the falling rain, notice flowers, leaves and small plants as they dance in the rain. Imagine yourself dancing in the rain. Savor the feel of the rain on your skin, the smell of the rain all around. Dare you step out and dance?

Reflect: Imagine the raindrops falling all around you as infinite possibilities for growth, joy, and healing. Feel the rain washing away old stories, renewing your hope for new beginnings. What holds you back from dancing in the rain?

Respond: Ask God to bring healing to areas of your life which evoke painful thoughts or memories. Open your heart to joy in His Presence as you linger with Him.

Rest in the Rain

Close your time with a few moments of gratitude prayer: thank God for the gift of rain and the hope held in the renewal of rain.

While not ready for dancing in the rain yet, my perspective of rainy days altered as my hands opened in acceptance. Though the rain still elicits sorrow locked deep within, I now understand the flow of tears, like raindrops bring hope as they cleanse and heal hidden wounds.


What if anything troubles you about rainy days?

Which of the reflections above did you find most helpful and why?

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