Saturday, March 9, 2024

Answered Prayers

 By: Grace Metzger

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears
  and delivers them out of all their troubles.
Psalm 34:17

Last year I got a call from my doctor's office that my test results came back and that my doctor wanted to do a pretty major surgery. I, of course, was afraid and instantly told everyone. I told my work so I can prepare to leave them for 3 months, I told my friends so I can vent to them, and lastly I told my church so they can pray for me. Everyone knew and was in prayer for me. I won't lie, I talked about this surgery a lot. So when the time came to go to the doctor's office to schedule and talk about the surgery I found out that the person who called me was wrong! My doctor thought the surgery was too risky and wanted to hold off on it. I was happy of course, but I was also embarrassed, as silly as that sounds. I was embarrassed that I made a big deal out of something that wasn't even going to happen. I was complaining about this to my parents recently and my father said something I never thought about. He said, "What if not having the surgery was an answer to everyone who prayed for you?"

As crazy as it sounded, I never thought about that. I was too focused on the very small part that I missed the giant, amazing miracle that I was offered. What if I didn't tell anyone, what if I kept it to myself? If no one prayed for me would I have had to have that surgery last year?

The Lord is near to all who call on Him,
  to all who call on him in truth.
Psalm 145:18

How many times do we miss the answered prayers because we're so focused on the negative parts of life. If you haven't noticed it lately, the world is full of negativity. We all, even Christians, focus so much on the bad stuff going on that we miss when God answers our prayers. 

So how do we change this? How do we make sure that we don't miss these blessing God is giving us? I have been working on these two questions a lot recently. I have definitely not perfected this, but I have found somethings that help. 

One of the most important things is keeping your focus on God. It's almost impossible to focus on the bad when all of your focus is on God. 

The second thing I have been doing is I keep a list on my phone of my prayer requests. Each night I go on there to add something, pray over it, and look to see what has been answered. I don't know about you but I had a problem of praying for so much stuff that it was impossible to remember and if I can't remember what I prayed for, how can I remember if it's been answered.

And the last thing I've been doing is asking for prayer. The Bible talks about the power of having multiple people praying over something, in Matthew 18:19 it says, "Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven." So not only does this give power to your prayer, but I found it was also helpful in reminding me of the prayer. When I asked for prayer over something not only did that person pray for it but they also followed up later and asked about it.

These are three things that I have been doing to remember all my answered prayers. When you start focusing more on the prayers that have been answered rather then all the negative stuff in the world your outlook on life will change! So go! Pray for people, ask them how the request went, ask for prayer, and above all don't forget that God is still answering prayers everyday!

Discuss Questions!

1.) What prayer has God recently answered for you?

2.)What do you do to remember God's blessing

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