Thursday, October 26, 2023

Gracefully Embracing Change


By: Donna Bucher

With the chilly days of Autumn sauntering in this past weekend, subtle changes appeared among the wildlife, flowers, and trees in my yard. Autumn delights me every year as my cherished among the seasons with its vibrant changes; but not all of life’s changes bring me equal pleasure. In fact, change often invites uneasiness; yet, embracing change without the anxiety seems implausible at best, or is it?


Change Often Brings Anxiety

As human beings, we naturally gravitate toward routines, making us creatures of habit. Hard-wired for this purpose, our brains seek protection in predictability.


Preferring the status quo over change, many people view change in general, as negative.

Alternatively, many people argue for the positivity of change. Even for those acknowledging the benefit of change, a measure of trepidation prevents them from fully embracing change without the anxiety.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Change Has Benefits

Understanding some root causes for change driven anxiety provides insight into more personal reasons of resistance. From this starting point, a shift towards embracing change without the anxiety occurs when you view the benefits of change.


As the seasons transition one into another, year after year, change, a natural part of life visits each one of us, often without warning.

Despite the uneasiness invoked by impending change, viewing the positive advantages of change alters negative mindsets and opens possibilities for personal growth.

Gracefully Embracing Change

By first creating a mental shift in how you view change, you create a hard stop for thought induced anxiety. Bringing racing thoughts to a stop, plants you in the present moment rather than a fear-based future.

Uncertainty fuels reactivity because it feels uncomfortable and the natural tendency toward removing the uncertainty drives your thoughts.

Gracefully embracing change helps you slow down, change perspective and better understand your needs in the situation. Incorporate a time for quietly sitting before the Lord on successive days; have your Bible and a journal nearby.

Avoid dumping your concerns, fears and worries in God’s lap for a quick fix. Simply sit quietly allowing Him to calm your anxious heart and thoughts. Pray through a favorite verse like Isaiah 26:3-4 or Psalm94:19.


“When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.

Psalm 94:19


End your time by journaling through any emotions or persistent negative thoughts. Close by writing a brief prayer of surrender to the change and trust in God’s good purpose through the change.

The loveliness of autumn reminds me of the impermanence of life; wildlife, plants, trees undergo constant change. For a moment, melancholy eclipses autumn’s vibrancy, as I bid farewell to summer’s beauties in my garden.

Their parting soliloquy whispers, “linger in gratitude for the present moment’s delights, for change bids us come away.”

Savoring all God permits in our lives with thanksgiving in the present moment, prepares us for the release of change without regret. The beauty of embracing change rests not in resenting what will be lost, but in the full surrender of accepting God’s good and perfect purpose in change.


In what ways does change bring anxiety for you?

What one step can you take today to gracefully embrace change?

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