Monday, September 18, 2023

The Goodness of God

 By: Joanne Viola

As some may know by now, I have watched each of our three granddaughters up until the time they began school. It has been a blessing beyond which I have no words. They each have brought much love, joy, laughter, and memories.

One of my favorite things to do each afternoon, with our middle granddaughter after nap time, was to have a snack on the back deck. I remember one day, after eating her snack, Jocelyn climbed up into my lap to snuggle and talk.

I said to her, “Let’s close our eyes tight and take turns telling each other what we can hear.”

She loved the idea and quickly began: She heard an airplane. I heard the wind chime. She heard a bird. I heard the wind. She heard the ant walking on my deck.

Say what?

I asked her to look at me and asked, “What does an ant sound like walking on my deck?” to which she quickly responded, “Just like an ant walking on your deck.”

I asked her to look at me and said, “What does an ant sound like walking on my deck?” to which she quickly responded, “Just like an ant walking on your deck.”

It wasn’t a sassy reply but a very matter-of-fact reply. I realized she had seen an ant walking when her eyes were open. Therefore, when her eyes were closed and she was “in the dark”, she could still “see” and “hear” what she knew to be true when her eyes were opened.

We all know God is good. We would all agree that He is a good God. And yet, if we’re honest, we have all faced times when we have questioned this very truth.

That day on the deck, Jocelyn had so beautifully provided the answer to handling those times in which we struggle: In the midst of difficulties, we believe in the dark what we know to be true in the light!

And He said to him, “Why are you asking Me about what is good?
There is only One who is good;
but if you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.”
(Matthew 19:17, NASB)

“Jesus describes a God who seems altogether good and is always out for our good, even if we cannot understand it.”

(from The Good and Beautiful God, by James Bryan Smith, page 42)

The goodness of God is a truth we can stand upon,
whether we can understand His ways or not.
Trust in the goodness of God.


Have you ever found yourself believing in God yet doubting when going through a difficulty? What do you do at those times?


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash




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