Saturday, September 9, 2023

Choosing Gratitude

By: Grace Metzger 

always giving thanks to God the Father for
everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 5:20

The official start to fall might still be a few weeks away but it's already feeling like fall time to me. Starbucks has the pumpkin spice latte out, my house is already decorated with orange and white pumpkins everywhere, and the melting heat we've been having has cooled down. This time for me always makes me feel extra thankful, especially for how pretty all the trees get! 

Just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord,
continue to live your lives in Him, rooted
and built up in Him. Strengthened in the faith
as you were taught and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6-7

So with me being in a thankful mood I wanted to look up verse on thankfulness and I was instantly in love with this verse in Colossians. The thought of just being so thankful for everything that you are overflowing is amazing to me. It made me wonder when the last time I felt so thankful that I felt like I was overflowing. I've been blessed with an amazing family, a good job, many miracles, and so many other things. Yet, I couldn't remember a time were I felt like that.

I believe living in a spirit of gratitude is a choice. You can choose to be a “Debbie-Downer” and always think about what you don't have. Or you can choose to live a life with a thankful spirit for everything God has done for you. This is a choice that you get to make everyday.

Devote yourselves to prayer,
being watchful and thankful.
Colossians 4:2

Make a choice to devote yourself to prayer, being watchful, and thankful will make such a huge impact. One way to do this is to do something that my mom has done several times in November, which is to write daily what you are thankful for. It's easy when you first start, you list you family, your health, etc. But as time goes on it makes you dig deep into what God has blessed you with. As you dig deep, you find so many reasons to be grateful. I challenge you with writing down daily what you're thankful for.

Discussion Question: What are you thankful for today?

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