Saturday, August 26, 2023

Never Alone

 By: Grace Metzger

They trusted, and you rescued them.
They cried to You and were set free.
Psalms 22:4 CSB

Whenever you're going through difficult times it can be easy to feel alone and abandoned by everyone, including, sometimes, even God. The devil has a habit of whispering in our ears, "Look at everything you're going through. Where is God in the midst of this?"

Never Alone

I think this is something that a lot of Christian actually struggle with but very few people will talk about it. I remember a time in my life where I felt God had become silent while I was suffering and felt ashamed myself to even admit it to anyone. There are people in the Bible who had struggled with this feeling. In Psalms 22:19, they even wrote about crying out to God begging Him not to be far from their side, "But You, Lord, don't be far away. My strength, come quickly to help me." So this isn't a new, modern day problem. God, being the all knowing God He is, knew that this is something we would struggle with, so I believe He added plenty of verses in the Bible specifically so we could remember that He is always with us even in the silence.

Do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be afraid, for I am your God.
Isaiah 41:10a CSB

This is one of my favorite verses that talks about God being with us. When the storms of life start around you and you cry out to God asking where He is, it's very easy to let fear take over your mind. Fear over your health, your children, your career, etc. And once fear takes over it's can be hard to get control back. But God calls us to not be afraid; He hasn't abandoned us. He is there throughout everything, even if He is silent. 

Be strong and courageous; don't be terrified
or afraid of them. For the Lord your God
is the one who will go with you; He will
not leave you or abandon you.
Deuteronomy 31:6 CSB

Whenever my mind starts to question where God is I remind myself of Deuteronomy 31:6 and Isaiah 41:10. These two verses remind me of how I am instructed to go forward in hard times when I'm feeling alone, not terrified or afraid but strong because I know that God is still there for me no matter what. God is there for you too, He hasn't abandoned you. He won't leave you. He is calling on you to read His Word and remember that He is with you in the middle of this storm. He won't leave you alone.

Discussion Question:
What verse do you lean on when you're feeling alone?

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