Saturday, August 5, 2023

Called to Tell Others

By: Grace Metzger

I will tell everyone about Your 
righteousness. All day long I will
proclaim Your saving power, though
I am not skilled with words.
Psalms 71:15 NLT

Recently I was talking with my mom and the topic came up about a project that someone we know is working on. They asked my parents if they knew anyone who wanted to share their testimony. My mom said that I should do it and I very quickly said no thank you. I have never been comfortable sharing my testimony for multiple reasons. One reason is that I am not skilled with words and not good at telling stories. This conversation stayed on my mind for much longer then I would have liked. I was ashamed that I felt uncomfortable sharing my testimony. I knew that it was something we are called to do, therefore I knew that this is something that I needed to work on. And what better way to work on something then to open my Bible and see what it says about sharing your testimony.

O God, you have taught me from my
earliest childhood, and I constantly 

others about the wonderful things you do.

Psalm 71:17 NLT

Reading Psalms 71:15-17 made me think about the way I approached telling my testimony. The writer of this verse seems to not look at it like a task they are forced to do, but instead something that they actually enjoy doing. They wrote that they constantly tell others about the wonderful things God does. Image doing that, sharing your story with every single person around you! I could only imagine the people that were touched by hearing their story of how God had saved them.

With great power the apostles were giving their
 testimony to the resurrection of the Lord
 Jesus, and great grace was upon them all
Acts 4:33 ESV

And great grace was upon them all. So sharing testimonies aren’t just benefitting one, but God gives His great grace to everyone around. Image having this amazing grace upon you just because you were obedient and told others about the wonderful things God has done for you!

Everyone who has been saved is called to do this. You might think that you don’t have a story, maybe you were raised in church, got saved as a kid, and then started living your life for God. That’s an amazing testimony! You get to share how God kept you protected and called upon you at such a young age! Or maybe you have something completely different, not raised in church, lived a hard life, and got saved when you were at your lowest point. Neither of these stories are better then the other. Everyone’s testimony is a unique story of how God saved you. And we get the ability to share it! It might be hard to live it out over and over, but being obedient to this calling God gave us will benefit your life and those you tell. So go share how God saved you!

Discussion Questions:

1.)    Do you find it easy or hard to share your testimony?

2.)    Has there been a time you didn’t share your testimony that you regret?


  1. I love sharing mine. I do need to refine it though ( I tend to go off on a tangent lol)

  2. This is Michelle Coccoli (aka Michela Schultz)
    And please do not ever say you are not good with words my sister 🙏 your words and publications and written words are a breath of Jesus to me. Love you Michelle Coccoli


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