Saturday, July 1, 2023

Daughter to the King

 By: Grace Metzger

And I will be like a Father to you to you
And you will be sons and daughters to me,
says the Lord Almighty
2 Corinthians 6:18

If you grew up in church like I did, you’ve probably heard somewhere in a sermon or perhaps your parents probably mentioned how you are a child of God. I’ve heard this a lot in my life and depending on where I was in my life, it evoked different emotions.

When I was younger, it made me feel so big and mighty, because in my child’s mind if God is the Almighty King, then that makes me a princess and little 5 year-old Grace wanted to be a princess quite badly.

As I got older, my perception of this changed a bit. I didn’t feel like it was true; how could someone like me be a child of God? I was too flawed to be His child, made too many mistakes to be loved like a Father loves His child.

I don’t think I’m the only one who’s struggled with this thought before. Struggled with feeling “good enough” to be a child of God. As humans we are very flawed creatures. We sin. We fall short of His glory everyday. Why would God decide to love us like that?

There you are no longer a slave,
but a son; and if a song then an
heir through God.
Galations 4:7

Reading this verse help lift a weight off my shoulder. I had trouble believing I was a child of God because I continued to think of myself as a slave to my sins. I am no longer a slave. We are no longer slaves. We are able to give up those chains of our sins.

Does that mean we’re now good enough? Absolutely not! We are going to sin again. But God isn’t asking us to be good enough. He doesn’t want us to be perfect before He starts to love us.

But as many as received Him, to them He gave
the right to become children of God, even to
believe in His name.
John 1:12

No where in that verse does it say anything about being perfect, having never sinned, or becoming good enough to earn His Fatherly love. Instead, He is inviting us to accept this wonderful gift He is offering. He wants us to become children of the King. And all He asks for in return is just to believe in His name. Whatever you've done or faced in this life, God is calling out to you, in this moment, just as you are.

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