Wednesday, June 21, 2023

I Need A Do Over

By: Jenifer Metzger

As a mom and former children's pastor, there is one phrase I heard kids saying constantly: "I need a do over." Whether they were playing a game or doing a craft, they mess up and all they want is another chance to start over. They know that if they can just begin again, things will be better.

I Need A Do Over  #christianliving #doover #newmercies

Have you ever felt that way? Your day just isn't going as you hoped or planned and you just need a do over. The truth is, we've all felt that way at some point in life. Many of us have felt that way already today. We just want to start fresh.

The faithful love of the Lord never ends!
His mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness;
His mercies begin afresh each morning.
Lamentations 3:22-23 NLT

The good news is we can have a fresh start! We don't even have to wait until morning! You can start over, even right this very moment. Here are a few ways to have a do over.


Close your eyes. Take a few deep cleansing breathes. When I get busy or stressed out, it feels as if I stop breathing. I know that is not the truth, I obviously continue to breathe. But it feels as if I stop, like maybe I am holding my breath. In those moments I have to close my eyes and remind myself to breathe.

Listen to or sing worship.

Nothing changes the attitude and atmosphere faster than worship. Put on worship music and let it move you. Maybe you belt out a classic hymn. Maybe you grab your phone and play your favorite worship playlist. Maybe you turn on Christian radio. Whatever it is, turn it up, and worship!

Give yourself a time out.

When our kids act up, we put them in time out. It's a time, just a couple of minutes, to let them refocus and start over. Maybe you need a time out. Sit at the table or in your favorite chair or on your bed, close your eyes, and just sit there for a couple of minutes. Refocus and start over.


Nothing, absolutely nothing, will give you a fresh start better than prayer. When we pray, we are aligning ourselves with God. When we are properly aligned, we have a beautiful fresh start. Spend a few minutes with the Father. Ask Him to forgive you of any actions, words, or attitudes that were not pleasing, and ask Him to help you start over.

1. How do you recognize that you need a do over?
2. What are other ways you give yourself a do over?


The Bible is more than just another book. It is a real life encounter with our Creator. We often read the Bible as a 2 dimensional book. In her new book, Encounter the 3D Bible, Dr. Susan Michael teaches us how to read the Bible so that it actually comes to life!

Dr. Michael says, "The Bible is not only filled with insights for living a full and meaningful life, but it is inspired by the Holy Spirit -so time spent reading it is time spent in fellowship with God through the Holy Spirit." She teaches how to consider historical context, geographical context, cultural context, the audience, literary context, and so much more.

From the very beginning of Genesis 1 all the way to the end in Revelation 22, we are reading one story connected by a Sovereign God who loves us and desires to connect with us personally. When we can understand that, we can watch the Bible unfold as a personal story written for us.

Encounter the 3D Bible is a must read for new and seasoned believers alike. Grab your copy and watch the Bible come to life!

To enter to win a copy of Encounter the 3D Bible, click HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic article. A reminder that is needed for us all.


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