Sunday, June 25, 2023

Every Prayer Is Answered

 By: Paula Short

I saw a saying while browsing Pinterest and forgot to save it. It said, "God answers all prayers." As you can see by this post, I thought about it for a long time. Here are some of the thoughts I've collected.

Sometimes we think that the prayer would be unanswered if God did not immediately give us what we asked for. 1 John 5:14  tells us, "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us." (NIV). Knowing that God hears and answers us, His children, Every time. Every prayer. Throughout time. Brings me comfort.

Every prayer is answered, but only some prayers are answered as we'd hoped or in the timeline we'd expected. Reflect upon some past or present prayers.

God could answer your prayers when you're twenty-seven or even fifty-seven. God could answer your prayers for healing you or the illness of a loved one after they've suffered for five, fifteen, or even twenty-five years.

This is where the frustration of prayer happens. It's after months or years of prayer that doubt may creep in. You might think to yourself, "If I don't get what I want, what's the purpose of prayer?" 

God's Will Reigns

We like to believe that what we're praying for aligns with His will. After all, we didn't approach God with our request as if he were a vending machine. Remember, God has the free choice to say "no." It's important for us to understand this.

Perhaps you're asking God to reconcile your marriage, a relationship with your children, or a friendship. Or to deliver your spouse from alcoholism. Maybe you're begging Him to heal you or a loved one from a horrible disease.

Years or even decades may pass with God still saying "No" to our request. There are a myriad of reasons why God may deny us what we truly want. 

Sometimes, it's to grow our faith, just like He did with Joseph. At the end of over a decade of hardship, Joseph was able to confidently proclaim, "Even though you intended to harm me, God intended it only for good, and through me, He preserved the lives of countless people, as He is still doing today.." (Genesis 50:20— VOICE)

Maybe God has already granted your request, but it's a timing thing. Elizabeth was the mother of John the Baptist and longed for a child of her own. However, it wasn't until she was late in life that her prayer was answered.

God's reason didn't have anything to do with Elizabeth but everything to do with the timing of her request. God planned to use John the Baptist to go before the Messiah (Luke 1:17).

However, regardless of how God answers your prayer, you can rest confident in one thing. God will always do what's best for you, as evidenced in Romans 8:28. Even if the answer is delayed or he says no.

"And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose" Romans 8:28— NET.


What delayed answers to prayer have you seen in your life?

Have you ever felt like your prayers were unanswered?

Have you ever thought that God has abandoned you?

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