Sunday, May 7, 2023

Through Thick and Thin

 By: Paula Short

"But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.” Ruth 1:16— NIV

Ruth was a Moabite woman that married into an Israelite family. After the death of her husband and the other male leaders in her home, Naomi, her mother-in-law, came to Ruth. Naomi explained that the famine in her homeland had finally ended, and she would return.

But Naomi advised Ruth and her other daughter-in-law to return to their relatives. Naomi was a poor widow, but she knew the other women were still young enough to remarry and live good lives. She wished them the best and urged them to start over.

Ruth could have left. She could have returned to everything that was familiar to her. But she felt a protective rush for the older woman she had grown to love. So, she spoke kindly and reassured her mother-in-law, promising to stay by her side. 

Ruth stuck with her when everyone else was willing to give up on Naomi. It’s easy to be faithful to someone in good times—when there’s more than enough to eat when there are job promotions and positive pregnancy tests. 

But it’s much harder to be loyal when everything is falling apart. There’s a new medical bill to add, a job loss, or yet another painful rejection. But just like He saw Ruth, God sees your faithfulness. He sees you right where you are; your story isn’t over yet. 

Ruth And Naomi

Naomi left her home in Bethlehem, 

her family gone, her hope all spent.

but Ruth, her daughter-in-law, did

come, And together they would start anew.

In the fields of Boaz, Ruth did glean,

and with her kindness, she was blessed.

Boaz took her as his wife, and she 

became the ancestor of King David.

Ruth’s story is a story of love, Of loyalty, 

and of faith. It is a story that has inspired

people for generations past.

So let us remember Ruth and Naomi

and the strength of their love. May

we all be inspired by their example 

to live our lives with kindness and grace.


Ruth’s story is a reminder that love, loyalty, and commitment are powerful forces that can overcome any obstacle. It is a story that has inspired people for generations and continues to offer hope and guidance for us when we face difficult times. He saw Ruth, and He sees you.

1 comment:

  1. "It’s easy to be faithful to someone in good times" ... "But it’s much harder to be loyal when everything is falling apart." So very true, Paula. I pray that I would be faithful to family and friends at all times, and more so, faithful to the Lord. Wonderful reminder of the preciousness of relationships and God's love for His people!


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