Sunday, January 29, 2023

Snuggle Up With Jesus

 By: Paula Short

It was one of those cold days at the end of December when the wind and chill brought the temperature below zero. So much so that many of us saw blizzards, high winds, and biting cold temperatures that brought risks and warnings. 

My dog and I were coming back inside from going potty. The warmth of my apartment was so inviting that it enveloped me. " I can't wait to snuggle up with you, Jesus," I said as I sank into my recliner, cuddled up in my soft fleecy throw blanket, and snuggled in. Rolling onto my side, I began singing praise and worship songs to Jesus. And I felt him envelop me in a warm sunshiny embrace.

I started to think, that's just like him. I've often heard and have even used the phrase myself— Lean into Jesus. We usually say it in response to someone or even ourselves when we are struggling or facing hardship.

Instead of leaning into Jesus, I started to feel like snuggling into him was more fitting for me. Much like cuddling up in a soft fleecy throw blanket, I find that he wraps us up in his warm sunshiny embrace and holds us right there where we're at in the moment.

The Cambridge Dictionary describes snuggling like this— to move yourself into a warm and comfortable position, especially one in which your body is against another person or covered by something.

Imagine laying your head on Jesus' lap, snuggling into him, and his hand on you, cradling you. When I snuggle with Jesus, I feel tranquil, peaceful, calm, encouraged, reassured, consoled, joyful, and loved.

Most times, we feel moved to lean— snuggle into Jesus when we are troubled in some way, like a hardship, illness, depression, anxiety, peril, sorrow, worry, or adversity. I know I do.

Now, friend, I'm going to ask you to join me in "flipping" the above time when we snuggle into Jesus into opportunities to snuggle with him in your everyday.


— When you have your first tasty cup of coffee in the morning.

— When you hear a child's laughter or make an older adult smile.

— When your cuddled up in your warm blanket on a cold day.

— Holding a newborn baby.

— Gathering with friends or family.

— Playing with your children or grandchildren.

— Marveling at a sunrise, sunset, ocean, or mountain.

And so much more.

I wasn't the only one snuggling under the covers that blustering cold day in December. My dog was burrowed under the covers on my bed too.


When are you moved to snuggle into Jesus?

What does it mean that God is the God of all comfort?

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