Sunday, December 18, 2022

Mary's Wonderment

 By: Paula Short

"Mary, too, pondered all of these events, treasuring each memory in her heart". Luke 2:19— VOICE

When the shepherds came to visit baby Jesus, they shared the story of the angels' visit and how they had led them to find the Messiah who was born in Bethlehem. In hushed tones, they recounted the words of the Heavenly choir and imparted the awe they felt in the presence of such praise.

Mary tucked their words away in her heart to contemplate them. She probably thought about them during the long nights she rocked Jesus to sleep and the day his tiny tongue formed His first word. 

"He was created of a mother whom He created. He was carried by hands that He formed. He cried in the manger in wordless infancy. He, the Word, without whom all human eloquence is mute." —Saint Augustine.

Little ones require around-the-clock care and need constant supervision. Even older children sometimes need a lot of attention.

In the day-to-day work of raising children, it's hard to find time to do more. You may not be able to read lengthy devotionals or have hours to dedicate to exploring the Scriptures.

But that doesn't mean you can't be close to God. Like Mary, you can take the truth with you and reflect on it as you care for your children or go about your day. It could be as simple as singing a song of praise while you're doing laundry or whispering a prayer for your child as you unload the dishwasher. Doing these things can transform ordinary moments into beautiful experiences with God.

Did you know?

The story of Jesus' birth resounds with music that has inspired composers for 2,000 years. The angels' song is an all-time favorite. Often called Gloria after it's first word in the Latin translation. It is the basis of modern choir works and traditional Christmas carols.


God, I want to be close to You. Please meet me in these ordinary moments. Like Mary, let me ponder and consider Your words as I care for my children and go about my day. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Do you take God's words with you about your day?

Do you sing any songs of praise while going about your day?

Reflect on your favorite Christmas song.

Reflect on your favorite worship song.

1 comment:

  1. Paula, I love that Jesus meets us in the ordinary moments of our days. It brings me such peace to know He is with me everywhere throughout the course of my day. And it's always still a surprise to see just where He will show up. Merry Christmas, sweet friend! Thank you for encouraging me all throughout the year!


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