Sunday, November 6, 2022

What's Your Story?

 By: Paula Short

"I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds." Psalm 9:1— NIV

A great way to give thanks to God is to tell others about the wonderful things He's done for you. You might think you don't have a story to tell because yours isn't about being dramatically cured of an illness or surviving a disaster.

Your story may be an ordinary event. Perhaps you went through a difficult divorce, and God gave you the strength to keep going. Maybe you work with someone who bullies you, and God helped you through it.

Wait, what? I never thought about my story? Do I have a story?

Yes, you do. I thought I didn't, either. If you're unsure what your story is, list hard moments in your life. Then ask yourself what God did. He may have changed your circumstances by transferring that co-worker to another division. Or God may have changed you by using a tough situation to make you more patient and understanding of others. 

Sometimes, you might look at a situation and think God's done nothing for you. Rest assured, friend, that as a child of God, He's always working on your behalf. His answer to your situation may not be clear at this moment but know that He's working your circumstances for His glory and your good.

How can I praise God during difficult circumstances?

Good question. Sometimes it seems complicated to do, but I've had difficulty too. But, by being in his Word daily and learning his characteristics and attributes, I began to know who he is. And that he is working behind the scenes for my good even if I can't see it. Praising him during difficult times has become more manageable now.

When you read God's Word, look for an attribute or characteristic about Him that you can "Thank Him" for. Praise is expressing to God our appreciation and understanding of his worth. It's saying "Thank You" for each aspect of his divine nature. When we praise God, we help ourselves by expanding our awareness of who he is. Our inward attitude becomes outward expression.

 Your story might be finished or still unfolding, but you can still use the experience as a way to praise Him. Let the people around you know how God has worked or is working on your behalf.


Can you look back on a time when you couldn't see God in a situation?

Looking back with fresh eyes, can you now see that he was right there with you?

1 comment:

  1. Paula, I so appreciated this encouragement today. I needed the reminder God is always working in our behalf. Even when we can't see it. Amen. May we trust Him all the more during those times. Blessings, friend!


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