Thursday, July 7, 2022

True Freedom


By: Donna Bucher

This week we celebrate freedom as a nation; our independence from tyranny. We live in the most powerful nation on earth with more "rights" than people in other nations dream about. However, the true freedom we explore today, is a different type of freedom, this freedom is spiritual freedom. A limitless freedom which transforms your entire life.

 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

John 8:32


As a young woman, I came to know Jesus Christ as my Savior and began my journey to a more intimate relationship with Him. After years of struggling with self-worth; burdened by poor choices, I at first found great peace.

Initially, I experienced freedom in a sense, as I knew from John 1:12, I was now a child of God. More importantly, I understood from Romans 6:20-23 God forgave my sins.

But over time, the initial peace and freedom seemed to fade. I still struggled with self-worth, and felt stagnate in my relationship with Christ. Reminding myself often of God's promises, I made every attempt to hold onto the assurance that I was truly free from the past. Yet, in the quietness of my soul I still heard the rattle of chains.



Despite countless prayers for freedom and the knowledge that Christ sets captives free, I never "felt" free. Attempting to earn God's approval, I became busy "serving". Compassionate by nature, ministry came easy for me. I gladly shared with others how they could find forgiveness and freedom in Christ, seeing many lives changed. I somehow thought freedom was for everyone else but me.

Yet, in the quietness of my soul the rattle of chains never ceased. The light I thought I created in service was merely darkness parading as light. Would I ever know what true freedom feels like?



Perhaps because of my own painful past, I am drawn to the marginalized. Seeking out the person lingering on the edge of the crowd. One day, as I offered listening support to a young woman, I shared with her two words that changed both our lives.

 As she shared her pain, I told her she "was loved". The look of desperation in her eyes confirmed she needed to hear those words; but I needed them too.

The more she shared, the more it seemed she told my story. Broken by sin, but crippled by shame; hearing of Christ's unconditional love for her broke the bonds of shame. As I continued speaking with her, God spoke the same words over me. He opened my eyes to the truth, He not only forgave and removed my sin, but He shattered my shame.

God exposed shame’s lies of my unworthiness of love and acceptance. Where once all I saw was the identity shame gave me, now I saw a new creature in Christ.



My healing journey continues; each day God reminds me of His love and my future with Him. He reminds me that He doesn't love my suffering, but He loves me, that I will have trials, but He will never leave me. He reminds me that His peace and purpose are there in the midst of every storm.

Remember your past does not define your future, because your future is in Christ and He makes all things new.

If you struggle with embracing true freedom:

Speak the truth of the gospel to yourself daily. (John 3:16)

Meditate on the truth of Christ’s forgiveness of your sins. (Colossians 2:14)

Remember salvation is a FREE gift which cannot be earned. (Romans 6:23)

Believe the truth and trust Christ. (Isaiah 12:2)


What does true freedom feel like? It feels like grace offered by two nail pierced hands.

Find more encouragement and FREE Resources at Serenity in Suffering!


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  1. We fight for healing and freedom everyday. More and more, I am discovering the need to lean into God's Word and "to believe and trust Christ." He alone is able to keep my soul whole and free.

  2. Thank you, Joanne, I know we look for freedom in so many ways, yet the true freedom we so desire is only found in Christ!

  3. Such Truth spoken in those two words. Thank you for sharing this, my friend.


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