Sunday, July 10, 2022

Perusing Real Encounters From God

 "Immediately the fire of the Lord flashed down from Heaven and burned up the young bull, the wood, the stones, and the dust. It even licked up all the water in the trench! And when all the people saw it, they fell face down on the ground and cried out, "The Lord—he is God! Yes, the Lord is God!" 1 Kings 18:38-39— NLT

The land of Israel was at a tipping point about to boil over. Some of the citizens worshipped Baal and other false gods. Be as it may, there were still a few like Elijah who steadfastly followed the Lord's commands.

Elijah knew it was time for the inhabitants to choose who they would serve. So he called together a meeting of the king and all of the prophets of Baal. He prompted a plan: the so-called prophets would build an altar and offer a sacrifice, calling out for their god to send down fire. 

They began early in the morning and continued all day without results. That's when Elijah built an altar and drenched it all in water. Then he called out, and fire fell from Heaven, confirming that the Lord is God.

God flashed fire from Heaven for Elijah. The proof may not be as drastic in our lives as in Elijah's. Still, God makes resources available to us in creative ways to accomplish his purpose. Moreover, he will also help us accomplish what he commands us to do.

He can give us the wisdom to raise a family, the courage to take a stand for truth, or the means to provide help or serve someone in need.

Just like Elijah, we can have faith that whatever God commands us to do, he will provide what we need to carry us through. 

At times those around us may need to see God's hand moving and know He's real and intervenes in real-life situations. Even when we can't see it. Sometimes it is up to us to help others know he is working behind the scenes for our good. 

Be receptive and listen to God's whispers to see if he is placing someone in your path this week who you may lend a helping hand. Let's remember Elijah and pray that God would send them a sign.

Father God, thank You for being the God who listens! I pray for (name) who may need a reminder of Your Presence and Majesty. Send them an indicator that they would understand how powerful and merciful You are! Help me be receptive and listen to you so I may know when you place someone before me to reach out to. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Photo by Gilberto Olimpio on Unsplash

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