By: Jenifer Metzger
Have you ever opened the Bible and simply felt overwhelmed? Not quite sure where to start and struggle to understand? There is so much to know and do, where do you start? God didn't save us only to walk away and leave us alone. He gives us two incredible helpers: the Holy Spirit and mature Christians. Mature Christians are incredible people who have been saved longer than we have and can become a mentor to help us grow in our walk with God. But how do we find these mature Christians who are willing to guide us along?
The first step is to pray. Ask God to send someone into your life who can be your mentor in your walk with God. Ask God for someone to come along side you and encourage you. God wants this for you, therefore when you ask, He will honor that prayer. Then look around your church or your Bible study group. Is there a woman living her life for Jesus, someone seeking after the heart of the Father? This doesn't have to be a woman older than you. It simply needs to be someone who is farther along in her walk with God, someone who is where you want to be in your spiritual growth. Go to her. Tell her what your desire and ask her if she would be willing to walk along side you and be your mentor.
The beauty of having a mentor in your walk with God is having a sister and friend all rolled in to one beautiful package and creating a life-long connection with her. As she invests into your life, your friendship with grow and deepen and become a relationship that you cherish.
However, it may not always be easy. By having a mentor, you are inviting a sister in Christ into your life. You are asking her to show you the truth in love. You are giving her permission to call you out when you need to be called out. And you are allowing her to be real with you. If she sees something in your life and comes to you in love, don't be upset with her. Remember that this is what you wanted, what you needed; someone to walk with you and help you. Let her speak to you and simply listen to what is on her heart. Make it a point to learn and move forward. The moment we become offended, we emotionally shut down and the mentorship is negatively affected. Having someone mentor us means being willing to have our feelings hurt for a few moments when it means growth is around the corner.
No matter how long you have been saved, three months or thirty years, we all need someone to look up to. This side of Heaven, we will never 'arrive.' There is always something new to learn and always room for growth.
For more on mentorship, check out Woman to Woman's
book Living Out Titus 2! Click HERE.
1) Do you have a mentor?
2) Do you mentor someone?

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